New song needs ears to live


New member
Hey here's a song I did. I want to use as few adjectives as possible when posting, as not to put words in your mouth. Even though you might say the things I'm thinking already I'd rather you bring them to the table than I. Get it? Of course you do.

seems like the master is pushed really hard because i hear some kick/snare distortion.

like the grunge feel to it.. (big grunge fan)

vocals sound a bit on top.

guitars could cut a little harder

very cool song. your voice sounds a bit high tonally for conventional grunge.
Great, thanks! Perhaps a remaster is in order. I mastered the track after I recorded the drums (which were recorded first) and i think all i did was turn the gain up and eq it.
Hi, I enjoyed the track. Like the previous listener I found areas of the track which sounded like they are going beyond a safe level. I think the drums get a little buried in the busier areas and that maybe looking at levels across the board might be a good place to be working. I thought the vocal cut through well, it does seem a little elevated but that will an area to fine tune once the main mix is as good as you can get it. The impression of the mix aside from the vocal is that it sounds a little cramped which is possibly making the vocal convey a slightly separate entity feel.


I like the tune and I won't repeat what others have already said. The only thing I can add is that the guitars have an edge to them that's a little harsh in my opinion and it's kind of burying the vocal even though the vocal level is hot. I believe you need to use eq and cut a notch out to the guitar frequencies that are competing with the vocals. Good rocking song man.
I'm feelin the song. Makes me kinda hungry for some reason:D. I think some automation could help you a lot with this mix. the guitars are pretty dynamic and I feel that automating the drums and vocals could keep them at bay with the guitars. There's also a reverb or delay on the vocals that I feel is a little too long for the mix IMHO.
Alright, thanks a lot everyone! I don't know if I'll remix this right away because there are so many other songs I want to record but your posts have been helpful. I'm tempted to ask for more specific comments but it's probably best to leave the song for a while, listen to it again with fresh ears in a week or so and see what I notice.

I took my time with the performances on this track but I didn't spend nearly as much time on the mastering and eq-ing. Probably rushed the endgame a little.