New song; I want to leave you right now

To me it definitely sounds like it needs some sort of saturation all around. The drums (even though I know you're probably not trying to make them sound necessarily 'real') sound way too clean in the mix, and I get that same feel for the guitar. I think the vocals sit in there pretty nice though.

I would definitely summarize it by saying (production-wise) the vocals are pretty on-par but the drums really bring it down a couple of notches. I like how the guitars aren't overly-compressed. Keep it up
There's a lot wrong with this mix. There's a lot of frequencies fighting eachother throughout the song. Nothing is clearly in it's own space except for maybe the hi-hay way off to the right. I'd suggest going back to the drawing board, stripping all the processing off, and starting over. Focus on giving each instrument it's own space.
Hi Sisprum and Greg

Thanks for the feedback. I will bring down the drum a bit and try to give more space to the guitar and synth by pushing them further on the sides.

Thanks again!
