new song from my cd needs critic.


New member
ok guys ive gott about 7 songs to go on my new solo cd, i need you to critic my newest please i need to know if anything is majorly wrong with mix, this song took me quite a while to finish so ive gott quite a bit of time into it,the drums were all midi and i programmed them all. thanks ahead of time guys. song=angles
god bless flash
No, nothing major wrong...

One thing I do notice though, it that you've set a basic sonic palette up with the depth of reverb and warmth in the guitars, but you don't follow it with the drums. They are noticeably drier, cooler, and upfront than the guitars.

I might nudge the bass northward a notch or two, but I like heavier bass than some.

If this is for a finished recording, you've got a little bit of housekeeping on the front end of the file; too much dead air...

You've got some terrific chops and a strong soloing sense! The drum programming shows you put some care into it, it's much more sophisticated than you normally hear in this arena. Interesting punk breakout at about 2:00!

Overall very nicely done, just a little minor tweakage to have it "finished product" ready... :)

thanks llarion, i realy appreciate all the very nice comments.
this was just a quick mix i put up for critic and i agree about the dead air in the begging. ill take care of that before it gets final posting.i think i will turn the bass up a little i turned it down a little just before i mixed it down for this critic lol because usually i always get the bass is to loud. do you think i should add a little verb to the drums, i had some on there but i turned input monitoring off when i added the bass and forgott to turn it back on before mixdown lol. but again thanks for the listen and its always good to hear from a fresh set of ears. god bless flash
the only reason ive gott it at soundclick is because my songs are way up on the charts there, and the more listens i get there and hits on my page the higher they go up. ill try and upload it to nowhere as well later on today. thanks for replying.
very nice leads! cool outro.. I can't give any mix suggestions at the moment except to say I'm not crazy about the rhythm tone.. enjoyed the tune though..
thanks sabbath for the listen.
didnt like the rythm tones on this one either to much, i might still change it, ive gotta spit out like 10 songs this month plus the studio for my band next month lol. again thanks for the listen.
god bless flash