New song-a ballad


New member

Please check out this song, a ballad on upright piano, and also a (real) cello as stand up bass (pitched down), plus phony strings and stuff.

May post up another version summed down in Ensoniq Paris as a test when I get a chance, so that could be fun.

Thanks for any feedback.

final prayer
I like the piano and the way the vocal sits. The violin orchestra could have a lighter touch because it sounds a bit generic synth and could be pushed way back and mixed lower. That might also add value to the real Cello, because I didn’t notice any real sounding strings. Though you say it's real, the bass also sounds "synthy" and has a cold, abrupt, hammered sound with no sustain. I think it needs to be smoother (with athe odd punchy little "expresion" up the fretbourd)... but perhaps I just don't like uprights.

Very well sung (which is the main thing).
LOVE this piano. LOVE how did you mic it? Did I say LOVE?


Please check out this song, a ballad on upright piano, and also a (real) cello as stand up bass (pitched down), plus phony strings and stuff.

May post up another version summed down in Ensoniq Paris as a test when I get a chance, so that could be fun.

Thanks for any feedback.

final prayer
I like the piano and the way the vocal sits. The violin orchestra could have a lighter touch because it sounds a bit generic synth and could be pushed way back and mixed lower. That might also add value to the real Cello, because I didn’t notice any real sounding strings. Though you say it's real, the bass also sounds "synthy" and has a cold, abrupt, hammered sound with no sustain. I think it needs to be smoother (with athe odd punchy little "expresion" up the fretbourd)... but perhaps I just don't like uprights.

Very well sung (which is the main thing).

Thanks Tobe.

I will probably put up a version with just the piano and vocal. I always find working with artificial strings to be sort of frustrating in the end. I like the idea of them though, wanting them to sound all dramatic and lush.

The cello as bass may sound funny because I pitched it down an octave to make it more bassy. Thought it was kind of cool, but that's a compromise as well.

LOVE this piano. LOVE how did you mic it? Did I say LOVE?

Hey Chuck, thanks.

On the piano, funnily enough, I casually set the mics up in front on each side about a foot or more away without the lid open or the front panel off, and did a rough take just to see where I was at. Sounded more roomy than I usually do, so I then proceeded to try all different things, closer in front with the panel off and the top lid open, then pulling the piano out from the wall and miking the back, then back to the front at varying angles and heights. So after a bunch of takes and all that, I ended up using that first rough take. :rolleyes:

Thanks for checking it out!
Hey Chuck, thanks.

On the piano, funnily enough, I casually set the mics up in front on each side about a foot or more away without the lid open or the front panel off, and did a rough take just to see where I was at. Sounded more roomy than I usually do, so I then proceeded to try all different things, closer in front with the panel off and the top lid open, then pulling the piano out from the wall and miking the back, then back to the front at varying angles and heights. So after a bunch of takes and all that, I ended up using that first rough take. :rolleyes:

Thanks for checking it out!

Of course Macle, how could it be any other way :-)
The piano sounds like the top end is in another room afor the 1st 30 secs or so. It improves as the song develops but does suggest that the reverb is diff from the rest.
Very much in the Classic Elton John mode in a good way.
The synth strings do sound like what they are - some mellowing would help.
The cello bass - I've tried that before with bowing rather than pizz & it is OK. Yours does sound a little synthy becasue there seems to be no attack or string/finger sounds.
Good stuff generally.
The piano sounds like the top end is in another room afor the 1st 30 secs or so. It improves as the song develops but does suggest that the reverb is diff from the rest.
Very much in the Classic Elton John mode in a good way.
The synth strings do sound like what they are - some mellowing would help.
The cello bass - I've tried that before with bowing rather than pizz & it is OK. Yours does sound a little synthy becasue there seems to be no attack or string/finger sounds.
Good stuff generally.

Not sure what you mean about the high end of the piano being in another room.

Oh well on the strings and cello bass, I guess. As you say, they are what they are. Wish I had access to a real orchestra!. I swore off fake stuff but it keeps sucking me back in.

Thanks for checking it out.
This is awesome. I am jelous of your music writing ability, your skill at playing and your voice. Damn, some people just have it all :P
Lyrics are awesome. Great lines and imagery. I can hear the rain pouring outside and you never once mentioned the weather.

well recorded. The piano fits the tone of the song perfectly.

Thanks for sharing. I remember your website and always liking your songs. Gonna have to pay more attention when you put a new one up!!! :)
Thank you TheAquired, Chili, and slooky.

Your comments are the best Xmas present I could get. Thanks very much!
On the piano, funnily enough, I casually set the mics up in front on each side about a foot or more away without the lid open or the front panel off, and did a rough take just to see where I was at. Sounded more roomy than I usually do...

Yeah, bingo - 'roomy' was my first impression. But it works - it suits the desolation of the song. You sang it like Elton John would have. It's good, but I'd still like to hear you do it understated, broke down, quieter. Desolate. It's a good tune in any event.