New setup - weird problem


New member

So, I got setup my Apogee Mini Me as a clock master plugged into a M-Audio Fast Track Pro. Everything works fine but I get this weird problem. I record with my AT4033 (with phantom power on) and I get this distorted recording with a weird looking wave... when it's recording it actually looks like, even when I'm silent , there is tremolo like sound being recorded (that I can't hear and it doesn't get recorded, by the way). I tried different mics, others needing phantom as well, different cables, both inputs... all the mics sound awesome but the AT4033... any idea what's going on with it?

The AT4033 is probably faulty. Does it work with any other equipment, ie: have you tested the mic on its own with another setup?
Yeah, I've had the AT4033 fir 3 years now and even now I bypass the mini me and record with the M-Audio, the mic is working fine :confused:
I get this distorted recording with a weird looking wave... when it's recording it actually looks like, even when I'm silent , there is tremolo like sound being recorded (that I can't hear and it doesn't get recorded, by the way).
I'm not sure I understand that combo of statements which seem to contradict each other.

Nevertheless, let me specualte (I have to kill a few minutes here).

First, when you say "tremelo like", do you mean that there is a slow frequency sine wave superimposed in the rest of the wave form? If so, you might be able to filter it out with a high pass filter (kind of like an AC version of DC offset removal).

As far as cause, if it only happens with one specific mic plugged into one specific pre, I'd wonder if maybe there was something the AT didn't like about the MiniMe's phantom power supply. Some mics are more robust at what they can handle as far as the phantom supply than others, and maybe your AT finds something sour in the phantom power. Do you have a multimeter or oscilliscopewhere you could take a look at the phantom power coming from the MiniMe? Maybe something is out of spec or extra noisy or something. But if the MiniMe is indeed doing what it should be doing phantom power-wise, then maybe there's something goofy on the AT mic. (If I had to bet, I'd bet on a goofy AT product before I'd bet on a goofy Apogee product, but hey, even Apogee is run by human beings :) .)

Yeah, I know it’s hard to understand, heck, I don’t even know how to explain it myself! Basically the AT mic works with two other different sound cards I’ve had (Line6 ux2 and M-Audio Fast Track Pro) but it doesn’t work with the Mini Me. But then again, other mics work fine with the Mini Me’s phantom so I guess you’re right and my AT and the Mini Me’s phantom don’t get along for some reason. It sucks because I really like the mic and I don’t have money for another condenser right now! I’m also waiting on Apogee to send me their take on it.

Yeah, I know it’s hard to understand, heck, I don’t even know how to explain it myself! Basically the AT mic works with two other different sound cards I’ve had (Line6 ux2 and M-Audio Fast Track Pro) but it doesn’t work with the Mini Me. But then again, other mics work fine with the Mini Me’s phantom so I guess you’re right and my AT and the Mini Me’s phantom don’t get along for some reason. It sucks because I really like the mic and I don’t have money for another condenser right now! I’m also waiting on Apogee to send me their take on it.

Yeah, I'd wait to see what Apogee has to say, for sure (I'd also be checking stuff with a couple of test leads myself in the meantime ;) ). One other thing I'd look at: I forget whether the 4033 is one of those mics that also can work on battery or not. But if it is, try taking the battery out when using it with the Apogee and see if that makes a difference (or vice versa).
