new seck mixing desk


New member
Hi there,

I have been mixing my own stuff on my DAW and was getting on just fine until i had the idea of getting a mixing desk, so my band and I could play along with half decent mixes. I bought a Seck 1882 MK2 desk off ebay, looks the business, 18 tracks and 8 busses. The problem is the configuration to my sound card.

Where do I put everything?? I have a delta 1011LT card, so potentionally have 10 inputs/outputs etc. I can get it to record but not playback or playback but no record!!

I am pretty new at this so any real help would be much appreciated.


I am not sure here from your description whether or not you are having a problem with the console or your soundcard? Are you trying to return all 8 channels individually formn the computer to the console? One function of the seck console that is a little different is the way the master section works. You can not monitor both the channels and the tape returns simultaneously. There is a small switch in the master section by the control room output that allows you to switch back between monitoring the channel signals, and the tape return signals. So, if you set things up like you might in an analog style inline setup, you can only here either the tracks being recorded, or the tracks being played back. What I would do is send a stereo output from your DAW software through the Maudio card to channels 17 & 18, and not to the tape returns. This will allow you to hear what is being recorded as well as what has already been recorded on your software. If you have any more questions about the Seck, send me a PM and I will give you my phone number. I own a Seck 1882 (that I have up for sale) and went through it completely about 1 month ago, so I a have had a recent little refresher on how it works:)