New Rock Tune, "Maybe I'll Find My Way"


Well-known member
Comments, critiques? How's the mix, what needs fixing? Any parts that suck? ;)

As usual, waiting on our lead player to be able to come out and put down the lead.

Sounds pretty good I would maybe tweak or even drumagog that snare. The vocals seem to need some tweaaking and need to come out a little more aswell.

Its a good song and recording though good job.

thanks dave! what is it about the snare sound that you would tweak? i'm getting the impression that i need to be using a different mic on the snare b/c every time i post a recording i keep hearing "do something about the snare". :D this is a DW maple snare and sounds excellent in the room.....that must not be translating to the recording.

vocals are down a bit more than they oughta be. what sort of "tweaking" would you recommend?
