New rock song. Please critique if you're bored. :)


New member
Hello. I hope it works this time. Here is a link to a new song my band is working on. It's still incomplete, as you can tell when you get to the bridge.
Do the overall levels sound ok? Vocals too loud? Bass too soft?

It's called Broken Promises. My band is The No-No Boys.

It was recorded with the Yamaha AW16G and tweaked with Adobe Audition 1.5.

Muchas Gracias!
The song is very cool, but yea the mix needs some help. The guitar on the "left" is distracting and doesn't sit. the singing sounds good, but doesnt sit very well and clips here and there. Nice harmonys though.
Cool song, do you have any others?
well it sounds like a song that could sure use ska guitar especially all over that bridge you said isn't finished. There are a lot more spots in there that will fit ska guitar.
hey.. thanks for your comments. yah, that guitar in the left channel gave me the most problems.. i used that boss metal zone pedal and maybe used too much.. "metal". and, I was thinking that the vocals do sound separate from the rest of the song a bit. Like, its a bit too obvious the song was multitracked.. does that make sense? hm.. Is that something that can be fixed with some reverb maybe? or eq?

thanks again for the feedback!

other songs? yah.. we have a myspace page with a few other tracks...
Good song. The music needs to be balanced with the vocals - some eq on those drums. The bass could be more muscular as well. Props to the drummer for the interesting 6 time. Four across six works real well, too.

I like the design of the song and arrangement, the meter changes, the vocals - which are it's strongest attribute IMO. It's kind of veiled sounding overall though (less so in the vocals). If that's in the initial tracking, not much you can do about it. But maybe it'd be worth checking to see if the "liveness" increases by bypassing EQ and compression on the tracks or mix.

I like this song. It is well constructed and sounds good.

To me, mixing issue is that the rhythm section is too low. I would like to hear more drums for sure, and even more bass.

Keep up the good work.
I agree it needs more drums. SOng sounds cool tho. Like the vocal sound. Not too crazy about the guitar tone for this music, maybe too fuzzy.