New rock/metal song and video... opinions?

Hmm yeah an MP3 is needed to comment on the mix, the video is shot ok but i dont like the whole black and white thing. Bit unessiscary for a video of a band in a room i'd have thought. Think the video would work a lot better if there were more shots actually from the front of the singer rather than the side. Song wise the tone seems to be ok but to be honeest for me, the melodic part isnt melodic enough and the heavy part is too fizzy and not heavy enough. Keep at it though.
Not the style of music I'm familiar with.... The video was cool - it's always great to see the band playing along with the music. The mix, though compressed by YouTube, actually came out not bad. Two things I thought while listening was the snare was a bit hot when the quiet parts played, and the scream vocals might have been a bit loud when they come in. I like the shaky video parts when you rocked out! :cool: