New recording...Get your lighters out for this one!

Boo Radley

This is a tune called Lay Down, which I wrote several years back. Please let me know what you think of the song/mix. I have some ideas of what might need to be changed, but I need some critical feedback!!

I'm linking to the full version first, but there's also an acoustic version of the same song on my little page. If you have a minute, check that one out as well. It kind of started as a side deal, but in ways I like it better than the full version.

Thanks y'all...


Lay Down

Lay Down-Acoustic Version
The intro doesn't have enough going on. The sparseness needs something - a guitar figure, a nice appegio - something.
The electric guitar comes in quite loudly & disappears suddenly - maybe a sustained chord or drone note for a measure or so. The solo works well.
Vocals, drum & bass seems to work well together.
Good song, performance & recording.
Thanks rayc. I was thinking the same thing about the beginning. That is just a single guitar in the first few measures before the drums and bass kick in.

I think I will paste in the 2nd guitar line (which strums open chords) in there with it to fill it up a bit.

I wanted the chorus to come in with some oomph...maybe I overdid it? If the electric guitars came down some would that help?

Any more comments, critiques, or suggestions will definitately be appreciated.

You ideas sound like thay'd work weel enough. Experiment with the guitar entry - afterall if you want to create oomph you can't come over all mild can you?