New Prog Rock Track!!!

very cool arangements, variations on the theme are well presented. It`s a little dry for me. Theres a pumping sound while during the voices that I didint like. The voices could use some delay so they would be a longer tail on the release when they stop so abruptly. The guitar is a bit abrasive at times and dominates over the vocals. I would go for a higher pitched snare but this one works ok. Nice tune man.
nice arrangement , interresting mix with those chorals (very cool), though, still missing the hook (just my subjective opinion), and I think I'd like to hear the main voc more in the front and compressed also

good work carlos - keep it up :cool:
I'm not sure the idea of pitching the snare higher would have occured to me if Toki hadn't mentioned it, but now that he did, I agree.

There's kind of an unpleasant harshness in the mids area that I could stand to have smoothed out a little bit. Part of it may be the effect on the vox, which I'm not real crazy about - although I do realize that's just a taste thing, I wouldn't say it sounds "wrong."

The vox get just a little buried here and there. I'd like to hear them clearer and less effected - but definitely clearer. I could also stand a little more punch in the low end area overall.

Very tight performance. A few mix tweaks and this will kick ass!

overall good mix.

i dig the 70's sounding organs in some parts.

the vocals and guitars could benefit from some better reverb. the vocals are a bit too up front, and the guitars seem to be the opposite.

i like your arrangement, and the stereo mix sounds nice.
I agree with Toki, it's a bit dry. The kick and snare could use more flavor. I dig the trebly guitar tone, what amp are you using? Keys are sweet. Vocals sound sweet. I like it.
Thanks for the replies... here's a few answers to the comments:
I am going to add a slight delay on the choral parts to smoothen it out a bit. I'm going to eq out some of the low mids on the snare, maybe boost just a tad in the 2k-4k range to make it sound a little "higher pitched". There are two vocal tracks (actually one that's been cloned and processed with a vocoder-ish effect) I'm going to bring the clean voice up a bit and lower the vocoded one a tad. Regarding the low end, I'm going to try and boost it a little by eqing the kick drum a little better (more puch and oomph) and I'm going to pass the bass track through the Ozone plug-in to widen it a bit.

The guitars are played with a Jackson Dinky with a DiMarzio Tone Zone on the bridge played through a Boss OS-2 (Overdrive/Distortion pedal) and into an old beat up 10 watt combo cranked really loud (and placed on a wooden chair laying down on a 45 degree angle so the speaker would face up and mic'd with an SM-57 about 15 centimeters from the edge of the speaker but pointing to the middle, almost directly above it... that's where I found the "sweet" spot).

I'm glad you guys liked it, hopefully with a few tweaks here and there it'll be ready.