New Polyester song

'Dog outside a supermarket' was the tune I liked better... That singer reminds me of a combination of 'Freddie Mercury' and 'Billy Corgan' on this tune....

Medicine was decent too.. the mix could have sounded beefier IMOP though..I'm not sure what it is...maybe someone with some brains can tell you, I just liked the tunes..

I'll check out more later..

The groove on this tune is phenomenal. I'm really diggin' it.

Onto the what I heard:

-The opening synth line and the same one that's repeated later in the song sounds a little to sharp and bright to the point of cringing a little. Keep it up front but take the edge off it just a little.

-The kick could come out a little more

-leading into the chorus, the tom intro volume should be a little louder to slide right into the chorus.

-guitar solo should be a little more up front so it stands out a little more.

-the ending is good, but it seems like it just got stuck in the mud and stopped. A longer fade-out would do the trick here.

I really like this song and the way it's put together. It's all tight and well mixed. I'm off to listen some more of your tunes. These are just personal opinions, and the song still works without making any changes. Keep it up.

Thanks for your comments guys!

I have never heard the Freddie Mercury/Billy Corgan comparison before...but I suppose it's pretty cool. Glad you took the time to listen to the other tunes as well. I'm really happy about Dog as well, but you know - Medicine is newer, so it feels more interesting to me who wrote the stuff. It's really difficult to know which of your songs to put first on a demo.

Evildick (now that's a handle),
great comments. I think there are quite a few flaws to the mix, and I pretty much agree on the ones you mention. I would like to bring forward the whole drumkit actually, not just the kick. You always seem to want everything to be loud, right? hehe. Also, you're absolutely right about the lead synth.

Looking forward to hearing your comments on the other tunes!

Thanks again guys,