new original song - thoughts on my mix?


New member
i've spent quite a bit of time on this, but for some reason i'm not quite sure that i'm satisfied with the mix yet. i'd love to get the opinions of some fresh ears out there.

i've seen alot of expertise on this forum, so any thoughts and suggestions that you guys may have on it would be very much appreciated!

thanks in advance!

the song is called "while you were sleeping"
i know i don't have much expertise, but you're a really good guitar player so i think you should lower the piano just a tad so the guitar stands out a little more. there are some parts where the plucking doesn't stand out like it should because the piano is in the way. but don't lower it too much, because it fits the song beautifully.

btw, i think you're really talented. not only do these sound like pro recordings but your songwriting is also top notch. very very good.

I really liked this - it's not usually my thing but there's something very soothing and professional about this song.
As for the mix, all that my amateur ears would change is the bass in the vocals - sometimes sounded a little muffled...maybe:o
But aside from that, I think it's great. The laid back style reminded me of Tracy Chapman.

Hi danny83, sounds really nice bro. I can't find anything to pick on in the mix, or in the songwriting, or in the performance. Almost ready for prime time. :)

Thanks for sharing.

Without knowing what you're looking for, it's hard to know what you're not finding. As far as I can see (or hear) this is one sweet tune--performance and recording.

Maybe you're just too close to it, and you're losing your objectivity. Could be all you need is a break. Come back to it after a bit and see what your ears say.

Great job...
Can't listen right now but will later - BTW - the main screen says that Friday March 6 is your birthday so Happy Birthday! :D
Nice soothing tune!
Some fine songwriting here, very catchy tune. Nice arrangement, good voice and harmonies. Acoustic and piano compliment each other pretty well. Voice sounds pretty up close in the mix, but maybe that's what you're looking for.

Joey :):):):)

Haven't heard from you since you posted your Jason Mraz cover that I really enjoyed. So just tell me when you'll be touring here in Oregon and I'll buy a few tickets, bring a few friends and enjoy an enchanted evening sipping on micro brews and listening to your sweet guitar playing and mellow vocals. Seriously, what's stopping you?


Haven't heard from you since you posted your Jason Mraz cover that I really enjoyed. So just tell me when you'll be touring here in Oregon and I'll buy a few tickets, bring a few friends and enjoy an enchanted evening sipping on micro brews and listening to your sweet guitar playing and mellow vocals. Seriously, what's stopping you?


hey gz,

thank you! i'm so flattered you would come out to see me :). i'm definitely working on getting things together (like a solid demo). so i can concentrate on other things like a solid live show. i will most definitely let you know if i get the opportunity to go to oregon. hopefully that comes sooner rather than later...

and thank you everyone else for listening and responding. i'm staying away from the song for a few days to give my ears a chance to refresh so that i can come back and make a solid mix. thanks for the advice thus far :)
Without knowing what you're looking for, it's hard to know what you're not finding. As far as I can see (or hear) this is one sweet tune--performance and recording.

Maybe you're just too close to it, and you're losing your objectivity. Could be all you need is a break. Come back to it after a bit and see what your ears say.

Great job...

hey whitestrat, you were totally right about this. i realized what i wanted to change in the mix after a few days of rest. of course we all know the mixing process, all of that will change again in the next few days ;). thanks again for the advice!
this is great stuff. I personally would kick the vocals down just a touch (little little amount). but that's a taste thing. Good job man.
I'm a fan.

The vocals could come down just a smidgen for my taste, but not too much. I can't wait to here the new mix.

Great job. :D
Dude, very cool. Very nice soothing voice. The playing and the singing and the mixing is all good. Wouldn't change anything. So expect to hear it behind some TV show for an emotional tune. That's meant as compliment.

I'd suggest some harmonies on the chorus to make them "pop" a bit. The ending had some nice harmonies which do exactly that. The mix sounds good...if I were playing around with it I might up the treble on the guitar just a bit to see the effect. Again that's just to see - it sounds good now.

This song is going to make a lot of girls cry - you know that eh? But I guess that's the point of songwriting to touch the emotions. This one does so very well.
Sounds really good to me.

It has a bit of Bruce Hornsby in it.

Can you spare a few details on the recording process?
This is really good! Yes, the vox could come down just a little, not much. Also, I would give it a little over 250-350 hz to give it a little more warmness. Not too much. Nicely done!