new original acoustic song to share!


New member
hi everyone long time no talk!

i just started a myspace music profile. i uploaded my newest song recorded here at my apartment. i'd love for you guys to listen and give me some feedback on the songwriting, recording, playing and singing. the lyrics are included on the page. i will be spending the next few weeks recording and uploading songs, updating the page, writing the bio and making it presentable. i'm fairly new at all this so any advice you guys can offer would be very helpful.

also, if you have myspace and you like my music i'd really dig if you added me as a friend, as of now i have none ('cept tom).


the song is called 'city by the sea'
Excellent songwriting/performance/recording Danny.... Reminds me of JT vocally, but it has a definite unique flavor all its own. Maybe post this in the MP3 Clinic for more feedback...I'm sure it will be very positive! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

BTW - I sent you an add request....
Wow Danny, this is really nice. I don't know if it's just that I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood this morning, but I thought the song was very touching, and the recording, guitar playing, and vocals were all extremely pleasant.

Your voice reminds me of Ben Gibbard (of Death Cab for Cutie) a bit, but you have your own thing too for sure.

Very nice! :)
Keep those acoustic songs coming. Good recording. Did you post it in the mp3 section for further comment? They love the heavier stuff down there...