New One

Great work!! I like No Turnin Round the best. You really have an awesome voice and it sounds like you are not even using it to the extent you could. Maybe you are just kinda holding back since you know folks will be listening. Been there, done that. When I was listening to No Turnin Round I could really hear a couple of electric guitars (your dad and you) and clif on the bass and someone else on the drums. That would absolutely be awesome. Your recordings are great. In my opinion you could make the recording of No Turnin Round better with a little reverb on the vocal.
Great songs especially No Turnin Round and again, awesome voice. I'd like to hear you sing a slow rock ballad that you really had to push your range on. One that you couldn't hold back on. I believe we would all be blown away on your voice.
I agree with you 100%...she needs to belt a few out to get the feeling goin.

Good job girl! I also noticed your link here is to your singles page.. something I haven't learned to do yet!! Love ya!


Thanks!!! Not many people have listened yet. Thanks Gospel and Dad.
I am sure I have a few slow ballads up my sleeve...just wait!!! I have some already done.
Heyyy! I'm liking it...alot.

You have great voice and wonderful awsome chops.

Ummm....can I download it and jamand play with it a bit?

Kinda wished you were in Virginia...we could jam live. I do have plans to get a bassist, percussionist back-up ryth. acoustic/lead. So, if anyone in VA, DC Metro area is interested...give me a holla!

Wanna get every dime out of my rehearsal space that I can. OK and me are looking into that now.

BTW, thanks for the compliment Clif. What did you have in mind exactly? Which song are you talking about?

Sure! So when are ya movin to VA? LOL
How would you go about doing that? I mean, how would I end up hearing it? Do you have Yahoo messenger? This is a first time for tells me that you layed some drums and bass to his stuff and if I remember sounded pretty good. Holla back:)
Re: K

bdbdbucksKID said:
Sure! So when are ya movin to VA? LOL
How would you go about doing that? I mean, how would I end up hearing it? Do you have Yahoo messenger? This is a first time for tells me that you layed some drums and bass to his stuff and if I remember sounded pretty good. Holla back:)

Well, I will download your mp3, convert it to a wave file (mono), export it to the mr-8, jam along with it, send the drum and bass wave files back to my pc and mix them in with your sstereo wave file, convert the mix back into an MP3 and then email it to you for your listening pleasure.

Hope that wasn't too confusing. There is a possibility that it may not work out but I am gonna give it a shot:)

Now we're talkin!!

Kid, I want that recording the second you get it. No Turnin' Round(cliches and all) is one of the best songs out right now. With some more musical depth, it'll be like.....i don't know....butter?


OKO...enough already...everybody here know's your my big brother! Enough with the "best song around" b.s.
I want constructive criticism! :p

bdbdbucksKID said:
OKO...enough already...everybody here know's your my big brother! Enough with the "best song around" b.s.
I want constructive criticism! :p

I'm not your brother and I'd say No Turnin Round is running a close second to your dad's latest song. Of course, keep in mind things like this are very subjective. Opinions are like......well you know the saying.

BD has a few more instruments there, too. And on top of that, he spends ALOT more time recording than I do. I have a patience issue. (I'm too hyper, I hate trying to get that perfect recording...and working on one song for friggin days)
Not to mention...that BD's guitar is too good to compete with!!! I could never do the stuff he does! I just beat the hell out of mine...I am sure I'll calm down enough with time and do a half-way decent recording job.
BTW, I do know the saying!!! But I like to twist it around a little
@$$holes are like opinions...we've all got em'