New music video for our song "Avalon"- What do you think?

Well, I like the song a lot.... The video, not so much. Pretty boring, like watching someone else's home video. You have opportunities to make it better. Cut up the party footage with shots of the band/artist performing and singing. Make each little shot 5 to 10 seconds in length.

Yeah, the video could stand some more variety to it.

Also, with the name "avalon", the song should probably be an Iron Maiden style heavy metal song about British mythology. :D
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I appreciate it. I have an old crappy MacBook that I use to edit so it is very limited in what I can do.
A bit of that striped Sunlight Sound.
I like the vid - just wish it had resolved into the band a bit sooner (badminton bats to guitars for example) and preferaby out of doors or in the sun room to give at some connection to the song's vibe.
Loved the song, I thought the water color effect was interesting but there wasn't anything going on in the video that drew me in. Great effort though. And no, I certainly could not do a better job. The only video camera I own is a VHS format from the 1980's.

Loved the song, I thought the water color effect was interesting but there wasn't anything going on in the video that drew me in. Great effort though. And no, I certainly could not do a better job. The only video camera I own is a VHS format from the 1980's.


Thanks. I agree there wasn't much going on in the video. I pretty much just used footage that I had and "tried to make it work".