new mp3 experiment: thedeathofaninsect


New member
hello everyone. I just uploaded a song i was messing with. heres my page's adress:

the song is under the title "thedeathofaninsect"

The recording is pretty loose, but thats kind of the feel i was going for... its slow and distorted. Give it a listen and tell me what you think of it.. thanks alot -sean
oh lord...

man the title of the song was so promising it made me laugh so i think that's good.

Your handle, I would prefer if you would switch it to avrilchangedme because i love avril. she's cute!!
Cool... no need to give mix or performance feedback here, since that's not the point. I like this. It would be cool as a transition piece in part of a bigger context and it stands on it's own as an experiment. Is that a real trumpet in there?

Anyway, I'm deranged, but I like this.