new monitors.. $1200 budget


New member
im looing at the JBL lsr series with the RMC or the other speakers that i thought sounded great were dynaudio bm5 model? i have a semi small control room with somewhat bad acoustics... i have alot of bass traps up but still its just a small concrete room. i mix alot of hardcore and metal stuff i also heard the adams a7s were great. what are some other speakers i should look in to?
I got the Adam A7's about 6 months ago and they do a great job. Quite a bit of punch for a 6.5 " woofer. Very nice highs and mids. The ribbon tweeters make a diff.

My 2c....but I think the A7's are a great buy for the $...
I have the BM5's and A7's sitting side by side here and much prefer the A7's. The BM5's sound muffled, not nearly as clear. I haven't heard JBLs for some time, so I can't comment on those.
+1 for the A7's....I was using Wharfedale 8.2's and needed an upgrade....thanks to the folks here I went with the A7's and I cant help but wonder where all that sound is comming from...they are great...
Beware the JBL's

Hey, not to diss on JBL, they make great products, but I caught word that the JBL room correction stuff is just a low cut more or less. But don't get me started, I would debate the viability of any kind of room correction unless you are lucky enough to possess a minimum phase room. I hear Adam's are awesome, though I use Events and love them. Mackie's HR824's are also good, though I would still take Event Studio Precisions. Hope that helps.
1200 your in a nice territory there, some fine built stuff. don't think you can go wrong.

Is a Adam better than a Dyn better than a ASP8 better than a HR824 better than JBL better than........?

damn, I'd take any one of 'em home with a smile.