New Mic......What do you recommend I test on it???


Dis Member
OK so I have just purchased a SE z3300a mic, which has the multi patterns. This is all new to me as before I only had the standard cardioid option. I roughly know what the patterns all do.

I only have one of these and an AT2020. What possible setups can I play with, baring in mind I record mainly acoustic guitar and vocals. For example are there any good dual mic techniques using these. In the past I've always tracked in the guitar separate from the vocals, with the AT2020 mic angled in from around the 12 fret.

Just want some suggestions here, I wanna play around. Feel like a kid at xmas with a new toy :P
Just for a giggle set it in omni and place it out in fount of the guitar about a foot or so. This is how I record stand up bass.

Place it it in figure of 8 and you sing on one side as a friend joins in on the other side.
Will try em all :D. Am liking the idea of the mid side technique. Be interesting to hear the results. Gotta finish here at work and get bck to the studio :).

Shame I don't have 2 with a figure of eight, could isolate the recordings better with them :(.

PS. Kip4 the link doesn't work for me.
didnt work for me either oddly enough
go to you tube and type in
Mid-Side Stereo Recording
i find the technique great if your doing some simple acoustic versions
(guitar and vocal (vocal tracked seperatly obviously) )
you can really spread the guitar to fill up the sound stage and lay the vocal right down the middle.
Ok, so I've not tested the mid side technique yet, but did get a go using the mic last night. For future reference, the z3300a is an awesome mic. The low noise level seemed adequate, and it had great warmth and character. However sibilants were a very minor issue, but nothing that cant be eq'd out, or I could give the pencil trick a go.

Thanx will do a youtube search Kip :)

And I'm sure I'll have fun recording two vocals using the figure 8 :)
As of now only vocals against premade backing a guitarist coming in on Thursday and Saturday, so will upload some then.... Wouldn't dare show my guitar playing skills ;)
Plus they are all xmas covers atm, preparing for a musical advent calender. :D

I could upload one of the xmas songs, the female vocals are recorded on the mic using the cardioid pattern and no pencil. But it might be a tad early for something like that :)