New Metal Song - *opinions needed*


New member
The mix and the song for your comments&critique

I still can't add drums, but this time I overdubbed 2 guitars and added pseudo-bass as well.

The thing is, my rhythm guitarist keeps telling me that I do tempo shifts and different time signatures and that it would be too hard to play along to. So well I decided to record both lead and rhythm parts. I personally love that stuff (time swings etc), besides that I had learned to play guitar playing post-hardcore covers.

Sounds alright to anyone else?

And regarding the mix - any feedback? I probably over-did with lows - it sounded just fine in the headphones while recording/mixing, however with my speakers it sounded too 'wet' with lows. Can't EQ with Audacity so I left it as it was.

It's the top song - Anvil Strike.
It's hard to tell with this - it fills in the bottom and mids almost completely so you'll have probs with bass drum et. I can't discern the pseudo bass from the guitars at all.
The riff seems good & the timing, whilst an issue for a first run through, shouldn't be a prob after a few play alongs by your band colleagues.
Keep at it.
You've got some pretty cool tone going on here. I like it, but as Rayc said, it may have trouble playing nice with other instruments.

I heard a lot of little pops and clicks throughout. Between 1:30 and 1:50 ish, there was some crackle in the right channel. At 2:20 it spread to both channels and got pretty bad.
Like the guys said, you'll have to see about the low frequencies when you've got the other instruments done....sure like those riffs though, Mish!

Goodness! Those lows are a killer. You've got to work on your EQing a bit. Maybe start with what your guitar sounds like before you record. If it sounds too bassy when you're just playing, expect that and more on the recording.

Also, I would recommend either cutting that modulation effect on your guits or maybe making them a bit more subtle. They got kind of annoying towards the middle of the song and very annoying towards the end. If it's an effect you added after you recorded, it should be easier for you to edit. If was something on an effect pedal, you might have some issues.

Your playing was good. I liked a lot of your ideas and methods. The artificial harmonics got to be a little redundant, though. Overall, not too bad. Like everyone else said, you need some drums and some vocals. Once you have those in there, mixing a good guitar sound will be easier.
Thanks alot for the replies!

Man I shouldn't have recorded while being stoned!! I had my guitar plugged into mic instead of line in on my soundcard :eek: , that explains the popping. I didn't notice those at all coz it was like 2am and I couldn't test on the normal speakers volume.

I've re-recorded with lesser lows here,

Stat, I see what you mean about mod effect. I got my hands on V-amp just about a month ago so I'm still going abit overboard with what it has. I did cut the reverb completely on the recording above, I'll check my chorus for the next time. It sounds alright-ish when I'm playing thru the amp, but with multiple tracks I guess it does get in a way.
Thanks alot for the replies!

Man I shouldn't have recorded while being stoned!! I had my guitar plugged into mic instead of line in on my soundcard :eek: , that explains the popping. I didn't notice those at all coz it was like 2am and I couldn't test on the normal speakers volume.

I've re-recorded with lesser lows here,

Stat, I see what you mean about mod effect. I got my hands on V-amp just about a month ago so I'm still going abit overboard with what it has. I did cut the reverb completely on the recording above, I'll check my chorus for the next time. It sounds alright-ish when I'm playing thru the amp, but with multiple tracks I guess it does get in a way.

Much better. Your playing seemed to be better as well. The whole mix sounded tighter. The mod effect still sounds too strong but not as bad as last time. Keep at it.
Yup. The new recording sounds much better.

What a difference recording through the right inputs when you're not tired or high makes! :D
Haha, cheers! Another funny thing was it took me like an hour to record the first one after like a zillion takes, the second though took me a single take for both tracks :D

yeah, you got the right idea... I was an 80's metal head, you got the idea, heh heh... just run with it...

yah, I found my head nodding in a few spots... and thats the real test, right?
The thing is, my rhythm guitarist keeps telling me that I do tempo shifts and different time signatures and that it would be too hard to play along to.

See, this right here is why RUSH is a 3 man band. :D

You have talent man. I'm not gonna' lie to you and tell you I loved the guitar tone, but it definitely got better between the 2 takes. It'll take awhile with the V-Amp to dial in to the whole "less is more" thing, but it'll happen.

Question: Since you're running direct, do you use headphones when you track? I've stopped even bothering with them for electric guitar parts that I'm playing direct. Headphones make everything sound "wow" when you're tracking, but unless I've got a microphone on, I don't bother with them. It gives you a better sense of how it'll sound through the speakers because...well, you're hearing it through speakers, lol.

Nice riffs. You need a drummer that likes meth.
Nice riffs. You need a drummer that likes meth.

Haha :D:D:D

I have to run to work like, right now, but that totally made my morning! Thanks man :cool:

See, this right here is why RUSH is a 3 man band. :D

You have talent man. I'm not gonna' lie to you and tell you I loved the guitar tone, but it definitely got better between the 2 takes. It'll take awhile with the V-Amp to dial in to the whole "less is more" thing, but it'll happen.

Question: Since you're running direct, do you use headphones when you track? I've stopped even bothering with them for electric guitar parts that I'm playing direct. Headphones make everything sound "wow" when you're tracking, but unless I've got a microphone on, I don't bother with them. It gives you a better sense of how it'll sound through the speakers because...well, you're hearing it through speakers, lol.

Actually funny you've mentioned that. First track is headphones recorded - the second one is not. You're right about DI with headphones - it sounds sweeeeeeeet while you play, but the result is so different I just decided to monitor with the speakers. I had adjusted my EQ after the first reviews on the first track I posted and it made a helluva lot of difference.

Thanks again ;)
Mish, you can get a drum machine real cheap. It'll help you get your timing down so you can get a real drummer to come in later and track for you.

One hint about eq when you track for a full band: leave the lows alone, and if you have fully tweakable reverb, set it for a fast attack and release, and low pass it at 100hz.

Drum machines
Mish, you can get a drum machine real cheap. It'll help you get your timing down so you can get a real drummer to come in later and track for you.

One hint about eq when you track for a full band: leave the lows alone, and if you have fully tweakable reverb, set it for a fast attack and release, and low pass it at 100hz.

Drum machines

I have an EQ pedal so I'll play around with it when recording. I did have a bloody drum machine with my BR-600 standalone recorder, but my ex-singer had it before we fell out and I never really bothered to ask it back. Those 500 bucks ain't worth me speaking to that bitch-ho again :rolleyes: :D

Those drum machines are sweet. I'm saving for a Roland BR-1500 at the moment, which has it build-in, but I'll start popping in to pawn shop type of stores to see if I could get a hold on a second-hand one.

I have basic rhythm patterns with adjustable tempo in my Yamaha synth, so next time I record I'll try to fiddle with it. The problem is my changing rhythm sections, I'd probably be better off learning to play drums myself :D .

Thanks for the tips man!
I like the tone. I agree that the harmonics are used a little too frequently.

Stylistically, I really like odd tempos and time signatures, so I think the rhythm guitarist should get over it the old fashioned way: more practice.

Keep posting....
I have an EQ pedal so I'll play around with it when recording. I did have a bloody drum machine with my BR-600 standalone recorder, but my ex-singer had it before we fell out and I never really bothered to ask it back. Those 500 bucks ain't worth me speaking to that bitch-ho again :rolleyes: :D

Those drum machines are sweet. I'm saving for a Roland BR-1500 at the moment, which has it build-in, but I'll start popping in to pawn shop type of stores to see if I could get a hold on a second-hand one.

I have basic rhythm patterns with adjustable tempo in my Yamaha synth, so next time I record I'll try to fiddle with it. The problem is my changing rhythm sections, I'd probably be better off learning to play drums myself :D .

Thanks for the tips man!
I used my Yamaha keyboard for a long time... :D

If you already know what you are going to do, you can punch in the different time signatures and tempos as you go.

And it's good to learn to play drums. Makes you a tighter guitarist or bassist... :cool: