New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

3G's? I think I'm pretty close at about 2G's - at least in the last few months.

But I guess we couldn't really be here without all being gear sluts to begin with, huh?

Some are just content with a simple recorder. That is totally cool too. I just keep buying stuff... :)
Not sure yet. Still researching. Likely above the $1500 per side range for now. I want to attempt to have an educated opinion, of the difference in price/quality/level of improvement in increments. I would hate to find out that $15,000 monitors only sound 1.2% better than $3000.00 ones. It has kinda worked that way for me in life....
My name is Jim, I play acoustic guitar mostly. Although I've played for about 3 decades, I've only been recording a couple of weeks. But I got a PC interface and mic'd a guitar recording, processed the sound with Cubase 5 LE, then found myself using a number of programs for both sound and video processing before I finally posted the damn thing on youtube. I took the long route, which was OK, I learned a lot. But now I figure I'll learn the right route via this forum. Cheers.
My name is Jim, I play acoustic guitar mostly. Although I've played for about 3 decades, I've only been recording a couple of weeks. But I got a PC interface and mic'd a guitar recording, processed the sound with Cubase 5 LE, then found myself using a number of programs for both sound and video processing before I finally posted the damn thing on youtube. I took the long route, which was OK, I learned a lot. But now I figure I'll learn the right route via this forum. Cheers.


From a Jim to another Jim. :)

And a Cubase Jim as well. :)
Greetings to you all!

I'm 29-year old musician from Finland. I've been playing, making and recording music since the early 90's as a hobby.
I started out by using these tracker software, Impulse -and Fast Tracker, and as the technology progressed
I upgraded my software. I had a pause from the mid 2000 to 2010 from all kinds of recording activities and when I found Fruity Loops, FLstudio in 2010 my
interest peaked yet again. After that I've been getting back into recording and mixing and found out that with the new millenium all kinds of nice nifty software based
things arose. I also play guitar in a blues-rock / classic rock band called Wasted Puppets, of which I also compose the music.
Nowdays I found the reaper DAW software and I am very impressed with it.

My rig consists of :


LTD EC-1000, electric guitar
Tokai Es-60, electric guitar
Jackson Ps3, electric guitar
Yamaha F310, streel string acoustic
Peavey classic 50W 212 combo from the seventies
Marshall valvestate VS100 head + cabinet
Boss ME25 multieffects pedal, which is also my audio interface at the moment when record guitars
Bad Monkey, Overdrive
Boss DS1 distortion
Dunlop Jimi Hendrix signature WahWah, from the nineties
A midi keyboard


Reaper DAW
Independence Free, for my keyboarding needs
4Front Bass vst, for bass, I do not own a real bass yet
Piano One, free piano VST which is absolutely fabulous
Various compressor, EQ, delay, reverb etc. plugins
ORGANized Trio VST, for my "hammond" sound
Superior Drummer 2, for my drumming parts

I just wanted to say hi to you all!!! and glad that a forum such as this excists!
Sure are a lot of Jims around here lately!

Sure are. Wow - 23,000 posts!

Welcome to Jim [G-Mo] and 'tranquillant' from Finland, and AaronCissell.

This does look like a good forum and I'm glad I joined just last week.
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...Not sure yet. Still researching. Likely above the $1500 per side range for now...It has kinda worked that way for me in life....

That's quite a price tag range.

Anything after the 'DynoAudio' something or another's at about $1100-1300 each, and I don't even know of any past that price point.

Myself, I only have a set of Event ASP 6's near fields on the other side of my 2 monitors at my DAW work station, and a set of Edirol MA 15D's sitting on top of my Yamaha P-200 keyboard for local sound when sitting at the piano for recording MIDI parts.

If I may ask, what other monitors do you currently have now Jimmy?

I'm guessing that you've probably heard of 'the point of diminishing returns'?

Myself, I'd be afraid of just that - spending that large amount of spondulicks, when for maybe about half of that, I could get very close - maybe 85-90% of what I was looking for.

But only you know what you want and also what your funds will allow. Who am I to say? :rolleyes:

But it's just that I hear ya loud & clear on this:

...$15,000.00 monitors may only sound 1.2% better than $3000.00 ones. It has kinda worked that way for me in life....

I think it's a very smart move to get that educated opinion first.

I tend to do my homework first now, since internet reading & learning all I can is free, whereby expensive sh*t I've purchased and then barely used, or regretted not returning in time is far from it!

And I've sure done my share of that over the years!
Hey friends! I'm a newbie to this forum, but not to forums in general. Up until now I've mostly posted in gun forums (I know, right?) but I figured I should spend a bit more time getting involved in the community of people who actually do what I do for a living!

My name is Ryan, and I own Auralaxiom productions. I'm a gigging musician (I play sax, oboe, tin whistle, keys, and vocals) but have recently broken into engineering, mixing, mastering, and most fun of all: film score composing!

I just want to throw a welcome your way Ryan.

Sounds like some interesting work there. I would imagine film scoring would be quite enjoyable. Good for you Man!

...Up until now I've mostly posted in gun forums...

So combining these '2 loves of yours', this line above reminds me of a time when I was playing in a piano lounge while there was a shooting in the staircase down to the nightclub in the basement.

So being the smart ass that I can be, I said over the mic, "Don't shoot me - I'm only the piano player!", which of course is an earlier Elton John/Bernie Taupin album.

Perhaps you've heard of it? It has 'Daniel' & 'Crocodile Rock' as the 2 radio releases.

I did get me laugh or 2 with my audience, which offset the police having to 'check my vehicle for the gun' before I could go home. :wtf:


I have just started my adventure with home recording. I bought my first equipment but I am full of doubts which I would like to share here. My first question is: what is the preferred and easiest way of sharing recordings with other forum users? I am not going to force anyone to listen to my 'productions' of course :) I would like to show my problems only.

Best regards to all
Hello again. I did see some folks added hardware/software to introduction. Perhaps that is somehow helpful to others to give a ((potential)) advice if needed, considering a gears what this particular person have. I did forgot to post that but I'm adding in this post. What I have is: Toshiba Satellite Laptop A305-S6858. Interface Focusrite Saffire Liquid 56. Saffire Octopre MKII Dynamic. Furman PL Plus DMC. Kramer 4 inputs to one monitor (selector). Adam A7X Audio Monitors. Tascam 2488 Neo. One Rode NT2A. Two Rode NT1A. One Rode NT3. One Rode Podcaster. Sony MDR-V700 and MDR-V900HD headphones. Software Ableton Live 9 Suite. Sony Forge 9 Pro.
Perhaps next month I planing to buy Sennheiser e865 microphone.

Just thought I'd introduce myself here. Just got into recording myself, mainly guitars for now, since that is what I play :) Decided to sign up here, because there are still a few things that I would like to learn/know, and I figured this would be a great place to start!
For posting and getting feed back (MP3 mixing clinic) lots of people use Sound Cloud ( it is free and it streams) others after a certain amount of posts can upload to the site. I think Sound Cloud is the easiest, not sure about reverbnation, that could be an option as well.

But do let let others hear your mix, that is the best way to get real feedback and learn.

I have just started my adventure with home recording. I bought my first equipment but I am full of doubts which I would like to share here. My first question is: what is the preferred and easiest way of sharing recordings with other forum users? I am not going to force anyone to listen to my 'productions' of course :) I would like to show my problems only.

Best regards to all
Welcome guitboycom!

Being full of doubts at first might be considered very normal, but as you ask questions, go through trial & error, get used to your equipment and gain experience, over time it will get easier, and you'll feel much more comfortable before long.

There's no better way to get used to something than spending time at it.

As far as sharing your recordings, I think the best forum section would be 'Mix This!'
Welcome guitboycom!

Being full of doubts at first might be considered very normal, but as you ask questions, go through trial & error, get used to your equipment and gain experience, over time it will get easier, and you'll feel much more comfortable before long.

There's no better way to get used to something than spending time at it.

As far as sharing your recordings, I think the best forum section would be 'Mix This!'

Just for clarification, mix this is to provide raw tracks and let others mix for you. It can also be a good comparison tool. To see how others would do it.

Just thought I'd introduce myself here. Just got into recording myself, mainly guitars for now, since that is what I play :) Decided to sign up here, because there are still a few things that I would like to learn/know, and I figured this would be a great place to start!

Welcome Ryszard & MrSavaroth!

I think you're right - this looks like a great place to start.

All the other forums I belong to are specific to their products, ie: Sonar, Cubase, Presonus.

But this one covers so much more - many subjects to check out.
Oh - well that makes sense.

Which one should he use then?

If he wants his mixes critiqued, MP3 Clinic. He he wants to hear others mix his stuff, mix this. Just look at both threads and you get a good feel for it. This is the nice thing about this site. People will listen and provide good constructive feedback so you can learn. So, everyone should put up their mixes (MP3 Clinic).