New line of Production/beats, looking for feedback

pM of

New member
Just wanted to drop the link to our new line of production. Just trying to get some direction and opinoins on beats. So feel free to check out our music and give us feedback. If you have any questions feel free to comment here or on our sound click message board. I know there are a lot of producers on this board. SO im not trying to push to sell here, really, unless someone is really interested, but other than that, Thanx, pM........................................
Damn, this is F.... Crazy

Nevermind, this probably is not the place to drop my music.......

EDITED BY PM, LOL, yup, the nerd. DF................

Now see, that kinda all I wanted, somefeed back, maybe more constructive..................

@ The Seifer, since you were so considerate with giving constructive feeback, I am returning the favor....

Yeah, I bet people get a real kick outta going to go to your website only to find that you don't even make enough funds to keep your website up and running, LOL, I got a kick out of it even more when you go in depth explaining why and how much you need to get it back up. If that all the farther real music is taking you, damn. You need a loan, hollah at me, I would hook you up with with $500
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This place is primarily occupied by people who make real music.

Your FUNKY BEATZ sound like some nerd pressing buttons on a keyboard, so I don't think anybody cares.
Oh, by the way, I compose all my shit. Yeah the may be loops, but played the keys for every note. I didnt set down with a mouse and click. Anything posted by pm was on hardware, do you know what hardware means? Yeah, I push buttons to program a drum track. But some of the guitars contain real samples, some even played specifically for us. pm
Re: Damn, this is F.... Crazy

pM of said:

Yeah, I bet people get a real kick outta going to go to your website only to find that you don't even make enough funds to keep your website up and running, LOL, I got a kick out of it even more when you go in depth explaining why and how much you need to get it back up. If that all the farther real music is taking you, damn. You need a loan, hollah at me, I would hook you up with with $500

tee hee hee

Actually mr. funky beatzmaster, my website was hosted by a friend of mine on a server in his bedroom. He did this for free. I told him I would make something funny and he said ok. After a while, my site started getting so many hits and consuming so much bandwidth that it started costing him more money to even have my site on his server and eventually killed it. My assumption is that crybaby hippies were offended by my site but mysteriously came back to look at it everyday (I logged their ip's) and told all of their friends. A lot of traffic can also be attributed to the ultra megaman rock remix trend that I started. I only made 2 of them, but they were very popular in the suprisingly large nerdy nintendo remix scene and I recieved many requests for more. BASICALLY what I am saying is that my site died because it ruled so much.

oh snap in your face dude!