New here - how does this sound?


New member

I am brand new here.

I am interested in how my recording stacks up. This is a new unfinished country song I am co-writing and performing.

Country Rendezvous

Feedback on anything is fine, but I am most interested in your opinions of the recording and mixing.


Ey, that sounds great but i'll put the verse voice a little more in the front... The rest sounds great...
Its good. The only thing I don't really like its the hi-hat. It doesn't even stop when the drums are making a fill. This makes it tell right away they are programed drums. the fill are a little off sometimes. But nice song and well recorded and mixed.

thanks for listening - I can easily bring up that verse vocal - thanks.


Thanks to you too. Yes, that high hat is a giveaway. I think I can fix that.

Thanks again.
Sounds pretty good but I do hear some drum timing funkiness, mainly the snare in the intro and it sounds like the fills are triplets sometimes whereas the tune is straight 8ths..

I'd like to hear the lead vox pop out a bit more. What I do is take the lead vox track and crank up the treble unnaturally and then use a compressor to bring the treble back to normal. It adds a shine to the vox and makes it stand out in front of the track. It reminds me of Walt Disney cartoons where they showed the cartoonist painting the clear sheet with Bambi on it and the background was another sheet altogether behind it, and it always looked like Bambi was stuck on the front and the background didn't have a chance of being in front of it.

Thanks for the help. Others have also commented on the drums so I am going to have to fix them!

I am going to be retracking the vocals so I will definitely try the treble/compressor method.

I can see that this forum is going to be helpful!