New hard rock mix, looking for feedback!

The distorted guitars are a little midrangey and fizzy. They have nice crunch to them, but are a little light in the bottom end. The distorted tones are also too similar. Too much of the same sound. It makes the gits sound like a mono mash and they make the mix seem midrange heavy. The mix really opens up and breathes once the distorted guitars shut down during the verses. It should breathe like that during the whole song. Look into more panning and/or EQ. Maybe a re-track if necessary. The drums sound programmed. Humanize them somehow. The song is meh. I wouldn't call this hard rock. This is pretty sterile radio rock, but you did it very well.
My opinion on your drum sounds are mixed.. I really don't like your kick sound.. It sounds floppy, and really *sounds* EQ'ed. The snare sound thin, and the reverb on it is way too thick. Your toms sound stellar... Love your tom sounds. The cymbals are good for being synth cymbals.

Guitar sounds are pretty well done, IMO. Maybe if you gave em' a "smiley face" EQ, the mid-range heaviness would be taken care of.

I don't really hear a bass. The whole song could use a bit of a low-end boost.

Vocals are tight. Really like the texture of the vocalist.

The song itself is nice. I enjoyed listening to it. Sounds really commercial, well thought-out, well written, and the production is generally well done.

Thanks for posting! Keep it up!
Good stuff.
I thought the drums were a little too perfect/plasticy, but you kind lose track of that because you start listening to the vocals. Nice guitar sounds.
Only recommendation I would have is to bring up the level of the telephone-frequency/phaser vocal piece before the break - I could tell it was there, but I could not hear what it was saying clearly enough.
Good job, sounds like radio play to me.

FtM - I liked what I heard. I'm fairly new to home PC recording/mastering, so I have no technical critiques, except to say that it all sounded pretty professional to me. I have played guitar for 25 years, so I CAN say that those sweeps in the lead were tasteful, clean and beyond my ability! I hope you are working on an album, 'cause I'd like to hear more :) I'm not so sure I wanna post my stuff now :eek:
Dude, those Behringer Mics don't sound bad :eek:

Really Radio friendly song. If the drums were recorded in a studio, this could easily be a hit. Listen to everyone else. They seem to have given the right advice.
Guitars sound really good for modelers. The distorted guits tend to overwhelm things when they're blasting away.

The cymbals are very wide.

I think you could turn up the vocals a little bit.

Other than that I thought it sounded very good.
you mean there is a vst that does that! i go through the whole trouble of audio midi triggers in logic using the audio to score function.