New Hard Rock/Metalish song in the works

Doesn't sound too bad. The vox might need to come up just tad bit. Other than that, maybe a little more compression in the mastering process to bring out the guitars and some tape saturation to make it a bit more punchy and gritty and it should be good.
Overall, pretty dang nice! I agree with turning up the vocals a bit. And also, the bass thing that happens from 1:19 to 1:32 is a bit strange. I like the idea, but it's kinda brittle.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Anyway, thank you for the advice. I messed around with it a bit more and it seems to be fairly decent for what it is. I really don't think I can do much better with my limited knowledge and gear, unless I re-record some of the tracks. My big issue now though is trying to get the main level up. I can't seem to get the main track louder without clipping. (I am comparing to the loudness of artists songs on my itunes)
Those songs have been professionally mastered so no matter how hard you push that master fader, yours will only turn into a distorted mess. Take a look at the mastering forum here for the "Top 10 mastering FAQs". You can definitely get your track louder. Just don't dump the whole salt shaker on it!
. I can't seem to get the main track louder without clipping. (I am comparing to the loudness of artists songs on my itunes)

Like Sixer says, the mixing stage is not the time to worry about overall volume. That's something that can be taken care of in the mastering stage. You'd be way better off turning everything down so that it's nowhere near clipping and just get a good mix. You'll have way more headroom and, generally, a cleaner mix.

What you can do with this mix, rather than starting over, is to just turn everything but the vocals down until they come through.

I hope this helps. :)