New Guitar Instrumental


New member
Hey guys just finished my latest song here. Just as a preface I really don't know much of anything about mixing or mastering. I did my best with what I know. I did panning on each track and levels. I only used EQ on the bass (roll off at 50hz and boost at 4500). And I used the Kjaerhus limiter to bring up the overall level some.

Let me know what ya think:
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Besides lack of separation , there seems to be some timing issues...You might want to try to tighten up the tracks first
The mix sounds pretty good to me, and the composition. It's a bit hard to tell because it seems to be kind of low rez sound on this site..
i didn't really hear any timing issues. i wasn't listening really closely, but timing issues are usually really apparent. anyway i thought the guitar sounded great the drums sounded distant (especially the toms and snare) Cymbals sounded alright. Is the piano on one track and panned to one side? i think if its possible try to track the piano in stereo and give it some reverb. the strings could be panned in different directions too. Are the strings some sort of orchestra option on a synth? Maybe tracking individual string instruments are panning them differently would also help.

Song, in general, sounded good though. Just gotta get creative in how your mixing everything in especially when you got so much going on.
Hey jordanstreet,
Pretty good song, but I have to agree with greyharmonix,the snare & toms sound a little distant. I'm far from an expert, but maybe just bring the levels of the snare & toms up in the mix? The guitar sound is great, although I don't care much for the panning effect at the start, but that's a matter of taste. Good job, just needs a few tweaks here & there to make it better. Good luck!