new desk and new organization


Knows very little
Holy fuck. What I thought would be a one day project turned into all weekend. I wanted to just build a new desk but it turned into total re-organization and building of other things.

My desk was old as fuck. I bought it at Ikea in like 2007 and it has had a ton of weight on it all these years. It was sagging like a limp dick. I also had a plastic drawer organizer thing that I kept cables in that just broke apart the last time I tried to open it up. Before pics:



I built a new desk using a cheap counter top that looks like marble and some cheap boards that I got from the depot of home. I had a piece of plywood leftover from my riser project that I used for the back of the desk. The new one is not as wide as the old one but it doesnt need to be. I also built a new monitor stand/4U rack for the top. I put rubber feet on the sides to keep it of the ground in the event of water seepage. For the computer I just cut a board and installed the same rubber feet. I also built a stand for my Fender amp as well. I painted everything the same color as well as painted the two cabinets I had in my room so everything matches mo betta. I got a shelf unit thing from home depot and the basket things to organize my cables since the plastic drawers thing was broke. I think it all cost around 2 bills, well worth it IMO. Next up is the treatment which will be coming very soon.

I still have some things to finish like get my guitars in there somehow, hang some pictures that I had to take down and re-install the cabinet handles, but I am pretty much done. After pics are now:








I'm a newb but... Are those tweaters at ear level? They look much higher in the pics.

They are close, maybe 1.5" or so above my ear hole. It is a low ceiling as well since its in a basement, so maybe that is why they look so high.
I think your missing an F'n (I like that word too, I am trying to stop using it) guitar amp. Where the hell is the lava lamp?
I've contemplated replacing my flimsy 30-year-old plywood desk with one of those premade countertops from HD, pretty good way to make a cheap but good-looking desk. I put a 6 footer in my old darkroom that worked well and was cheap. Measuring out my current room an 8 ft top would fit in, give me room to one side for extra storage while keeping my mixing area in the middle of the wall. Unfortunately it means finding another place for my 76 key keyboard - but at the same time, the keyboard is extremely hard to access now because it's sandwiched into a corner between the desk and a wall. I'm going to have to do something, and my wife doesn't want to switch rooms with HER computer/hobby room. :o
I'm liking that tiny marshall cab!

Yeah, that thing is cool. Its got a Celestion G12-66 Marquee, which I dont know wtf that is but its brighter than the v30 in the Orange and they seem to compliment each other well. That's the cab I was contemplating putting a greenback in at one time.
I have a couple of floor speaker stands and I would say, that is the way to go. They were a $100 for the pair, but it does give you some space back.