new computer

stevey j

New member
i'm looking to buy a new computer. my question is where do people go to buy quality computers? i know i could probably get a pretty good dell or something from bestbuy , but these always have a bunch of crap i uninstall anyways and obviously aren't optimized for audio recording. where should i shop for a computer for my audio recording/ music making needs?
If you wanna buy a DAW, they're out there. Do a google search on DAW or Digital Audio Workstation.

Cheaper and better, in my opinion, is build it yourself. It ain't brain surgery. You get only the the things you want. Also, make sure you BUY your software.
Build your own. is cool there are a lot of other places as well. I would get 2 hard drives, one for programs one for data. at least 512 of ram, I like the amd dual 64 bit processors although they can get pricey. The rest is just preference.
well currently i have a 1.4 ghz celeron hp with a 40 gb hardrive and 80 gb hardrive and 256mb ram that i got for like 200 bucks at a used computer store because my last computer (emachines) literally blew up .it records just fine, but the problem is when i want to use more than one softsynth at a time while creating a song and latency. it has been a decent replacement for only 200 bucks at the time but i definitely need an upgrade in ram and processor would be nice too. i've never built my own computer, i could learn but i'd rather buy it made or customize it and have them build it to my specifications. and with my previous bad experience with cheaper brand name computers i'd like to stay away from most brands that can be found at walmart or bestbuy if necessary. i'm sure a lot of people are the same way so i was wondering where people buy their computers? what brands to look for, where i could customize one , etc. .