New Cakewalk Software


New member
Has anyone heard rumors about what this new software will be for?

Here is an email message I received a couple of days ago.

"Dear MGR,

On behalf of everyone here at Cakewalk, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for your continuing support. Our commitment to providing customers like you with the very best in music and sound software has never been stronger as we head into 2003.

When I started Cakewalk back in 1987, I had a vision of creating not just a company, but a community that fostered innovation and technology. Today, over 1,000,000 people worldwide are using our products to create music. This could not have been achieved without your support and feedback.

Throughout 2003 we will have exciting news for you. Just days from now, we'll unveil a new product that is an even bigger surprise than SONAR was two years ago. And that's just the beginning.

Thank you again for choosing and paying for our software. Please accept our best wishes from everyone here at Cakewalk.


Greg Hendershott
Maybe announcing rebates to all users who found that 45 bucks paid for n-Track got more in return than the hundreds poured into years of cake upgrades.
Cakewalk has a very good marketing department and they know how to get everybody foaming at the mouth. It may not be as great as you think. Best to wait and see.
Its hard to keep anything "revolutionary" a corporate secret for too long....I haven't heard of any "new" amazing software coming down the pipe....sounds like the hype they give all their new softwarre.