New AW16G User Question


It Ain't Me, Babe
Hi people

I am having great fun learning to use my new Yamaha AW16G recorder and this morning I burned my first cd. What a moment to finally produce something I can share.

Thing is, the stereo image burned onto the cd when played back has all of the tracks in the center of the sound field even though when I mixed them before creating the stereo tracks I had panned things very carefully. The manual is a little unclear in some places and I have not found where this procedure is explained.

Anyone out there know about this?

Thanks, :D

kahuna said:
Hi people

I am having great fun learning to use my new Yamaha AW16G recorder and this morning I burned my first cd. Thing is, the stereo image burned onto the cd when played back has all of the tracks in the center of the sound field even though when I mixed them before creating the stereo tracks I had panned things very carefully. Thanks, :D Kahuna

There is a huge AW16g forum out there, which may be:
Anyway, I had someone send me a CD they'd burned off the 16g and it also was in mono. So I imagine there's a step about saving you pan positions that you're missing. Probably a very simple thing, but that forum can give you a clear answer.
AW16G Mixdown


I am a "G" user as well.

Sounds like you may not be following one of these steps:

1- Save the song after you are satisfied with your mix.

2- Mixdown to the stereo track. There is a specific command for this in record mode. Save again after you mixdown.

3- Burn your CD.

Do you have a "G" manual? All of this is (somewhat) clearly outlined. If you don't have one, send me your e-mail addy and I'll forward a .pdf of the manual.

Thanks guys

:D I have been to the forum and I believe I have worked out the fix.

Why has yamaha ignored the many who find the aw16g manual confusing?

Yo Big K of the waves:

If you think your manual is not written too well, try looking at the manual for the Motiff ES61 synth! Absolutely the pits in organization and plain speak for non-guru types, like me.

Even the manual for my 2816 is not put together very well. For an experienced engineer, or techie, it is probably adequate.

So, stick with that 16 forum; good guys there, like Dinsdale.

Green Hornet :D :cool: :p :cool:
I see you, bro

My dad would always say that it was the japs getting back at us for winning the war! :eek:

My best friend in school was a full-blood Japaneese as I never shared this bias with my venerable father. :o

Still, you'd think the smart guys at Yamaha would be more hip, seeing as they are so brilliant at creating all this good music stuff - and about half of everything else I own! :confused:

kahuna - looking for some waves :D