New at this

Ben Holmes

New member
I just signed up for my account because I am having ground loop problems with my set up. However, I don't know how to post a question in a more appropriate forum. I read the FAQ and couldn't find anything that helped. Could someone please point me in the right direction to where I would post such a question and explain how to post it. Thank you.
Hi Ben

You can post it here, there are lots of pretty knowledgable types who hang about the Noobs forum. And I'm here as well for light entertainment.

Just provide as much info as you can about what you're using and where/when the problem is occurring.
Bass signal on the monitor side.

Where do you go to post? I guess here. I signed up yesterday. MY QUESTION! I'm recording bass guitar direct on garageband to a song that only needs light attack on the strings. When I listen on the head phone I can dial the levels to balance with other tracks. When I listen to track back on the moniters the signal distorts. Turning down the volume only eliminates the signal. what can I do to fix?
