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Can anyone tell me if there are any essentials i need to buy for my recording to record Hip Hop, i have a NT1-A for vocals and acoustic guitar, M1 for electric guitar, a small mixer, Mic preamp, USB interface and about to buy a MIDI keyboard...

I didn't think Hip Hop used much acoustic guitar. Interesting.

Exactly what I was thinking. Acoustic guitar in Hip-Hop? Starting a new trend are we?

I second REAPER, very easy to use and very powerful. Plus it comes with some pretty decent plugins.

You don't really need a mixer if you get a good interface.
Nice gold plated grill, lots of bling and a ball cap that looks good while it sits side ways on your head!

Other than that what has been told you about software ... "Reaper" is your best bet. For it's a free download to try and once you figure out that you like it, it will only will cost you $40.!
I see you've already all beaten me to the cheap gags...

Hey PRODUCE... don't listen to them... they're just haters.... :laughings:

Reaper is the shizzle.... and I'd love to hear some acoustic guitar in hip hop...
i'm australian and here in australia it's a new era of hip hop we use acoustic guitars and anything else you can imagine, if you don't believe me search up ''Hilltop Hoods'', ''Funkoars'' And ''Urthboy''. get with the times here haters
No hater here!
Just a little fun before we get onto the root of the matter.
Do you think Reaper is for you now that you have researched it?