New at home recording. Dont know where/how to start.

Been doing some reading and almost everyone says go micing vs. direct in. Is that the only way im going to get a decent enough sound? If so, will it work with my amps? I have 2 very low end amps and the distortion im probably still going to have to use my digitech.

Will that make any differnce? Amps i have are the line 6 spider 15 and a peavey rage 158.

You might be surprised to know that ALOT of commercial recordings go direct. You have to remember to compare apples to apples those guys comparing micing an amp to going direct have more experience under their belt, nice mics, nice pres good amps and good acoustics to work with they aren't comparing a miced up 15watt solid state amp to a line6 pod going direct. Go do some research on youtube for people recording with the same or similiar setup as you to see if you are reaching the max potential with what you have you may be surprised.
Try stuff... this phase of your home recording experience is all about working out what works and doesn't work, and learning stuff...

I always mic amps rather than go direct but I have a nice amp and I don't play super distorted stuff, so it works for me... what works for you may be different.

Have an open mind and be prepared to accept criticism of your recordings from a quality point of view and you'll improve rapidly. There are a lot of people round here who REALLY know their stuff. You'll work out who's who quickly enough.

Good luck...
I have 2 very low end amps

Amp i have [are] the line 6 spider 15
One of the most encouraging and useful bits of advice that I've picked up came, I think, from Farview. There again, it may not be. But whoever it was, he's said a few times, that regardless of what sound comes from the amps, it's what the mic picks up that is important. And a microphone is not our ears, nor does it have our head depth of scope. So a 15 watt Spider can net you a good and useable sound. But the key is, as ever, if you are happy with the sound. I use the Line 6 spider and in reality, with it up full and the limited range of settings it has, I like what I can get from it, distorted or otherwise. As Armistice said, this is a time for you to experiment and see what you come up with.

You might be surprised to know that ALOT of commercial recordings go direct.

See if you are reaching the max potential with what you have you may be surprised.
Although I prefer the sound of the miked amp when it comes to electric guitar, when the occasion demands it, I'll go DI. Sometimes it sounds lame and I have to do some post~op tweaking. Other times it's OK.
Why are you going out the through the headphone output and not a 1/4" out (the one that typically goes to the amp).
The headphone of the digitech is 1/4 as well. But i corrected myself and went to the mono output now. been doing a lot of reading lately and am at wits end. Iv heard some say micing is aboslutly required. Others say not necesarily. Some say use a vst like guitar rig. Some say dont. too confusing:(.

I tried guitar rig and used the cabinets/micing. sound just doesnt sound full. Im sure its not my playing because im just using really simple power chords for the demo before i even attempt a song. no matter what i do, the sound sounds bleh :(.

Tried looking online for direct in guitar recording videos/lessons but cant find any. Everything is about micing:(. I cant really mic coz i live in an apartment and usualy have time only at night for this. Should i just give up?
Frustrated but cant seem to give up. Feels like im obsessed! I tried something completly different now. I used VST guitar sims. Plugged in to the computer completly clean and used the sim effects. I think it sounds better, but what do i know. What do you guys think? Is there any progress in here?

Overall i like the sound. It is the kind of sound i am going for. It is missing that "clarity" though. I like the tone but it doesnt sound clear and crisp. Is that something i can EQ better? Or is the tone just bad?
I recorded again using different settings and think im getting closer to where i want to be. Any thoughts and recommendation are welcome!
