New and need suggestions


New member
Hi there,

I am new here and fairly new to recording in general. I have been currently using FL studio 10 and borrowing my buddy's MicroKorg XL and have been doing recording that way. The issue I have with that is there is a delay from when I hit a key on the keyboard to when I hear it in the headphones which is workable for single tracks but when you add other tracks on top its not the easiest to keep in time. My computer is a gaming rig not built for recording (win 7 64bit ASUS sabortooth 990FX motherboard with on-board sound I can post the rest of the stats if needed). I am looking to invest into a new Keyboard in the future and would like recording capabilities also I would like to record acoustic guitar, other acoustic instruments as well as have the option to do vocals as well. My question is what kind of hardware and software would I need to do this? would I need to buy dedicated sound-card ? I was reading about interfaces is that something I would need ? I know I need a mic and software other than that I am pretty clueless. I am willing to pay for equipment I just don't want to break the bank. Any help for a newbie here would be very welcomed and appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Since mention was made (by OP) of keyboards, guitars, mics et al, the 2i2 is not going to cut it. He needs something with two mic inputs and a further two, at least, line inputs.
The Focusrite 8i6 would fit the bill but my top reccy of course would be the Native Instruments KA6 which would also give the lowest possible latency. And, being a key'ist he will SURELY want MIDI???!!

General rule of thumb in computer recording:
The more you read, the less you'll spend.
This is not to say that you can buy the cheapest and be happy. This is not to say that the input of those who are responding isn't helpful (these guys know their stuff). This means learn what you need before you buy something you don't...
Understand the input and monitor path that you will need to allow an ASIO driven interface (with enough inputs and outputs to meet your needs) give you the least latency through decent to great monitors in your hopefully semi to well treated room.
Everything is important in recording. You can start with a simple interface and a mic and your 5.1 speakers. But you are not likely to produce good sound. You also need good monitors (with good placement), room treatment. Knowing everything you need may seem daunting, but you can get what you need to get started then start budgeting toward the big picture, and in no time you'll have what you're after. :D
Hi there thanks for the suggestions I will check the links when I get home

The Korg has a USB port which I plug directly into my computer and use in FL studio it works great except for I have a latency issue. I have been reading a lot about latency issues how to fix them but my question is would plugging the korg into an interface and plugging the interface into my computer reduce this latency ? If all I wanted to do was MIDI recording for a while would a soundcard be the better option over an interface? I am assuming an interface would be the best route because of my desire to include other instruments. To begin I would want to do strictly MIDI recording to learn the software and because my main passion is keys I would just like the option of expanding if I would want to.
Are you plannign to record everything all at once?? I didn't where you said that. Maybe the 2i2 is still a valid suggestion.

Not sure how you are recording with the Korg and FL. Are you recording the onboard sounds of the Korg or just midi and then use a synth sound in FL?
I would suggest the 2i4, personally. It has a Mix control knob which I find to be important. It also does midi.

There is a lot to learn. Browse through the forums, epecially the Newbs section, and get a feel for what others are doing. Sounds like you have a clear objective, so figure out how you can make that work before spending any money. It is common for newbies to purchase something before they really understand what/how they need to do and they end up buying the wrong equipment. Then they realize the wrong equipment doesn't do what they want and they get frustrated and lose interest.

So step number one, keep reading.

Oh, your gaming computer is probably overkill for recording.
its funny that ecc83 mentioned the KA6 I was checking it out the other day and was interested. I would probably not need to do everything at once seeing in how I can only play so many instruments at the same time. and I was doing midi and using FL studio sounds mainly because FL studio sounds sounded better than what was onboard with some VSTs of course. Also I am borrowing a copy of FL studio from my buddy and would be investing in new software which I was thinking cubase but I have not looked into software to me thats the easy part (I could be wrong) but the hardware is where I need help. I would be doing more synth stuff and would be using sounds of the software and VSTs.
To give you a little history of my future projects (which I think I should have mentioned a while ago) I have been approached by a few guys I know to compose music for a indie game dev project they are working on which would be all MIDI electronic using sounds in the software. I am also in an off and on band and write for myself. I love acoustics my passion is piano I also play guitar, bass, accordion. I would like to record for this game project and for solo work which would be guitar, vocals, piano live recording so I guess I would not take out being able to sing and play guitar at the same time and have them both recorded out of the question like I stated before. Nothing studio quality of course.
its funny that ecc83 mentioned the KA6 I was checking it out the other day and was interested. I would probably not need to do everything at once seeing in how I can only play so many instruments at the same time. and I was doing midi and using FL studio sounds mainly because FL studio sounds sounded better than what was onboard with some VSTs of course. Also I am borrowing a copy of FL studio from my buddy and would be investing in new software which I was thinking cubase but I have not looked into software to me thats the easy part (I could be wrong) but the hardware is where I need help. I would be doing more synth stuff and would be using sounds of the software and VSTs.

The KA6 comes with a light but still very powerful copy of Cubase and there is arguably no better DAW software for MIDI? It also gives you Kontakt Player and about 3G of downloadable samples.

The Focusrite interfaces are very popular, with good reason but the KA6 beats everything hands down for latency under about $500. You would need to look to RME or possibly MOTU gear to get better.

Looking at the further work you are involved with I am sure you will find the extra two line inputs invaluable. Maybe a pal has a small mixer? This could be used to expand the flexibility of the system greatly. Even the humble Behringer X802 would give you two more mic inputs plus two stereo line inputs (mixed down to a stereo pair it is true but it would save a lot of plug swopping)

Thanks for all the replies I am going to be doing a lot of reading this weekend and learn more about this stuff and then I might have a few more questions for you guys. quick two questions. If I got a new keyboard that only had a USB out would a USB to MIDI cable work into an interface ? also are there I guess MIDI splitters ? I guess I am looking to in the future of course purchase a full size keyboard for shows and what not (way down the road) but would I be able to have two keyboards plug into an interface with 1 MIDI I/O at the same time through a splitter or something so I wouldn't have to unplug and plug a new one in I don't want to play both at the same time. Just curious is all
Thanks for all the replies I am going to be doing a lot of reading this weekend and learn more about this stuff and then I might have a few more questions for you guys. quick two questions. If I got a new keyboard that only had a USB out would a USB to MIDI cable work into an interface ? also are there I guess MIDI splitters ? I guess I am looking to in the future of course purchase a full size keyboard for shows and what not (way down the road) but would I be able to have two keyboards plug into an interface with 1 MIDI I/O at the same time through a splitter or something so I wouldn't have to unplug and plug a new one in I don't want to play both at the same time. Just curious is all

DO NOT! Buy a keyboard that does not have at least a MIDI out*. Even my 50quid Evolution Ekeys49 has MIDI out so it would be some cheap ***t that didn't!

Big stage keyboards will have MIDI in, out and thru' and you can daisy chain up to 3 devices until (I understand) you get problems. You decide on the "master" keyboard and out from that goes to MIDI in on the AI. The master can then send data to the next kbd either from MIDI out when both instruments will play in unison (but different voices) If you feed out of MIDI thru' the master does NOT play the slave but the slave can play independently into the AI.....Mind you, you probably would not want to rely on a computer for live stage sounds!

Now, I am NOT a MIDI expert! I am an electronics tech' that has learned just enough to get a musical son cooking!

*I resist the demise of the DIN port on AIs and keyboards fiercely and always. MIDI is a wonderful, world standard resource and we have too damn few of those. It is also "open source" but if we stand by and let the pennypinching, cheapass beancounters backslide and not fit MIDI ports we shall all be the musically poorer.

Well, not all of us. Just those of you that use MIDI. :)

Can't agree. What if the piano had not been developed? How stunned were we all when we first heard Switched on Bach by the then Walter Carlos?

Can't agree. What if the piano had not been developed? How stunned were we all when we first heard Switched on Bach by the then Walter Carlos?

I never heard of the tune or artist you're talking about. So, like I said, I'm no poorer or richer musically because of MIDI.
I was really just joking. But if you do want to pursue the topic, the fact is....I am not affected negatively or positively in any way because of MIDI. So your statement in false. It doesn't affect us all. It wasn't even a judgement on MIDI, i have nothing against it, or for it. It exists, which is cool by me. All I said is that it doesn't affect EVERYONE, which is true and in-disputable. No big woop.:)
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I never heard of the tune or artist you're talking about. So, like I said, I'm no poorer or richer musically because of MIDI.
I was really just joking. But if you do want to pursue the topic, the fact is....I am not affected negatively or positively in any way because of MIDI. So your statement in false. It doesn't affect us all. :)

Glad to see you are doing well RAMI.:D