New Acoustic Piece!


New member
I just recently recorded a simple version of my original "More than Words" (there really weren't many other choices for a title :-/). I realize the mix is terrible because I am a total novice when it comes to mixing. If you could give your best comments and how I can improve the mix that would be incredible.

sort of sounds like you recorded both the vox and guitar at the same time....

If so,...try laying down the guitar first and adding vox after...this will give you better control over each individual track without any phase issues....isolation is key...

For this mix, the guitar seems low level wise to wouldn't hurt to wetten it, and, the vox up too....not a big plate mind you....just a small room treatment...

musically, I would hang more on the E minor in the verse..but, that's just me...
your vocal is wicked pitchy.....perhaps you could work on that a bit....
They are actually recorded seperately, although it's good to know my seperate performances are tight enough that they seem to be done at the same time.
As for the song, I have been experimenting as well with actually switching to the Am faster and then holding onto the Em just a tad longer.
Essentially I should be treating it with a little more reverb to add some liveliness? The pitchiness is just a product of laziness and exhaustion. Being a choral/musical theater vocalist, pitchy=death.