Never used midi before.....


New member
Hey guys, I've never even attempted to use midi before but am jonesing a keyboard for christmas and will be chasing some software not long thereafter.

My question I'm using PT LE 6.4 and the software I'd like is VST and only compatable with 7.3, can I use anything else to bridge the gap? I'm in search of a Digi 002R and I know I need a wrapper but until that happens do I have any alternatives?

Thanks :)
You will need a wrapper (FXpansion make one) and a USB keyboard or any midi keyboard and a midi port (ala Digi003)
as I'm using PT LE 6.4 and the software I'd like is VST and only compatable with 7.3, can I use anything else to bridge the gap?

A little confusing for sure. You have a specific piece of software that is VST only. Is the question about an alternative to the wrapper or an alternative to the software??