Neve V3

surgediadem said:
Anyone got and tips or tricks with the Neve V3 desk for both multi-tracking ( tracking to 2" tape ) and mix/mastering.

that board is worthless, you should send it to me imediatly and go pick up a behringer... :rolleyes:
foreverain4 said:
that board is worthless, you should send it to me imediatly and go pick up a behringer... :rolleyes:
ROFL that desk is amazing took about 40hours to install cos of the patchbay :( solderings a chore on her
since you didnt pick up on my sarcasm in the first post.

if you are asking for "tips and tricks" for a circa $100,000 console, you probably shouldnt own or work on one. there, i said it.
foreverain4 said:
since you didnt pick up on my sarcasm in the first post.

if you are asking for "tips and tricks" for a circa $100,000 console, you probably shouldnt own or work on one. there, i said it.

Was just in case there were other neve users here. i know how to use and maintain the desk :)
That's a good solid sounding desk. It shouldn't take much trickery to get good sound. Just let it rock.

Has it been re-capped?
You might want to try this question over at, or at gearslutz. Most users here have never seen or touched a console like that in real life. Of those that have, most of them have probably not worked on a Neve V3 in specific so probably can't be of much help. Another thing you could do is look up some other studios on the net that use Neve V3 consoles. Give them a call and talk to their engineer, or even their assistant. The assistant may not have much actual experience on the desk, but may know some good second hand stuff from sitting in on sessions, and may know about certain maintenance issues.

There is some truth to Foreverain's statement cocncerning whether or not you should have a desk like that. The big thing that worries me is that you are on asking, not that you have one. If however you have spent your life working on SSL's, than a Neve is definately different. The autpomation and layout are not all that similar, nor are the sonic characteristics, so I do understand the question:)
Drewcifer666 said:
That's a good solid sounding desk. It shouldn't take much trickery to get good sound. Just let it rock.

Has it been re-capped?
In the process of doing so its a bit of a job its been done once when it was in germany.

well yeh not a huge user of the web for info, was told about this place by a friend.

sadly the flying fader automation was removed by the last owener, not used SSL's much the odd time in live work. Had a staple of soundtrac desks really there all the same.
One thing that got me is the gate on the V3 doesnt have a release control, its auto-sencing.

It great fun having to clear the desk after it been powered of, the relays that should clear the mutes ect are fook thus why im doing the recapping. But she still runs well and sounds great evan on the channels that still need recapping
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