Neutral recording programs?


New member
What are some programs that won't "color" the sound of my recordings? Are Cool Edit Pro and Tracktion colorless?
All programs' audio engines have slightly different characteristics for summing, panning, etc. However, the impact of the software on your sound is minimal compared to your source instruments, room, mics, preamps, converters, cables, etc. I've never heard someone say "that sounds like Sonar" or "that sounds like ProTools." What I'm saying is, it would take some stellar ears to be able to hear the very subtle differences between software programs. Just pick one and start learning to use it. Focus on everything else in your signal chain first, before worrying about how the software will affect your sound.
Definately. Software summing could be argued but by far and away, your signal chain (which would include mic choice, preamp, individual instrument and most importantly, the player) will have the greatest impact on color.
Track Rat said:
Definately. Software summing could be argued but by far and away, your signal chain (which would include mic choice, preamp, individual instrument and most importantly, the player) will have the greatest impact on color.

Even software summing/clipping/conversion is pretty consistent these days (and has been for many years). Software inherently does not color the sound, with the exception of plug-ins written to do so. The math is way too simple for there to be any real possibility of somebody accidentally writing software that colors the sound.... :D