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I'm always looking for a good value, but have yet to find a budget mic that compares to the Neumann mics I've used over the years. Though I'd like to buy another TLM 170, the price is simply too high, so I'm looking at the TLM 103, despite it not having the versatility.

So, if you happen to OWN a TLM 103:

A. How does it sound?

B. Is the sound comparable to a U87? TLM 170? Other model.

C. How does it compare to the current plethora of budget mics?

I remember reading a thread where someone had taken a TLM 103? apart, anyone remember that?

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I used to own a TLM 103....

They sound great in my has a warm sound to it and I think it's better than most mics in that range (I've tried about 10 mics in that range). I've upgraded to a M149, and use that for pretty much everything.
I don't own one, but I've used them in Pro studios. In that environment, going through a world class pre......they sound like a million bucks (or was that my bill?). Very nice mic in my opinion.

Some like the TLM103, some don't. Virtually everyone with personal experience recommends the Microtech Gefell M930 over the Neumann TLM103. I agree.
I'm open to the Gefell M930 (price range), but would like to hear more about it, including the TLM 103.

I have a tlm103 and like it a lot. Even when it's not the best choice for a given source, it's never a bad choice. I find it to be a smooth and detailed mic.
To do it over again... I'd look at the Gefell and Soundelux options, also. Most people prefer one of those over the tlm103.
Still, many time honored pros like the tlm103 - Harvey Gerst and Rudy Van Gelder included. The SOS review found them to be similar.
On a related experience, I used to have a Neumann KLM184. Although a nice mic, I was never able to get used to the top end response. sdelsolray suggested the Gefell counterpart - the M300. I was so happy with the M300 that I bought a pair and traded the KM184 away.
Let us know what you finally decide on. And, if you do any a/b testing, let us know how that went, too!
The TLM 103 requires a hi end preamp to light it up correctly. I have used it with a Great River and with a DMP3. Guess which sounded dramatically better?
Shaz said:
I really like the TLM103, don't have any experience with Microtech Gefell M930.

Here is a link to SOS that compares the two mics:

Is there a Gefell model comparable to U87? What is a good on-line place in the US to purchase Gefell mics?

The Gefell UMT 70S is perhaps the closest Gefell mic to compare to the U87, although the Gefell UMT800 might be compared to it also (the UMT800 is better compared to a Neumann TLM 170). One basic thing to know about Gefell mics is that they use two different LD capsules, the M7 and the M9. The M7 is legendary, and the M9 is no slouch. A great place online to get Gefell mics is from Tom at Tidepool Audio ( Of course, Atlas and Mercenary are good sources too.
sdelsolray said:
The Gefell UMT 70S is perhaps the closest Gefell mic to compare to the U87, although the Gefell UMT800 might be compared to it also (the UMT800 is better compared to a Neumann TLM 170).

I remember using the UM70s back in the 1990's and found them to be excellent for overhead mics and micing acoustic guitars, but too thin sounding for vocals. To my ears, it didn't sound much like the U87, which is darker sounding and has more bottom end. My experience with the Geffel's I have used were that they were a little on the bright side, so I didn't use them on vocals.

I haven't used the UMT800, so I don't know how it would measure up to the TLM 170. I still think the 170 is a terrific mic.
