Neumann TLM103 sample


New member
Finally got the go-ahead to post this, if anyone wants to hear.. I recorded a quick 'sample' for a potential client, and I used my TLM 103 for the EQ, just a little compession, and my own little reverb tricks/fun...He didn't have an amp, and his guitar was this weird electro-acoustic thing, that had a hollowed out interior or something, but it was electric <I dont know guitars> it sounds like a pick-up'd acoustic sorta, but more we just went direct with it..when we actually record for real, I'm gonna mic up his acoustic probably..

So if you've been wanting to hear a TLM103, here ya go..this is copyrighted btw, so don't go stealin :) I'll keep it up for however long, so listen while you can.



Oh yea...Went straight into the preamp's on my Mackie 32*8..might try somethin different when it's 'for real'.

Warning! Bluntness alert!

The guitar sound is lame... 'course, I can only blame the use of pickups... it likely has nothing to do with your technique. Some 603s's on that sucker would sound way nifty.

Great vocal sound, and a good vocalist! I was impressed. I'd like to hear the same thing with a C1 or a V67 or something, just to compare...I would love to have a TLM103, but if I can get a comparable sound with something less spendy, that would be awesome. (I might still get a TLM103 anyway just because it's so dang spiffy)

Actually, listening to it again, I think the vocals might need an EQ trim around sounds a tiny bit brassy on some notes...


eq..I thought so might be my verb tricks that brought that out..I'm gonna move the mic a hair closer when we record for real, to get a little more breathy/intimate sound..I wanna try out my NT1000 on him too.

as far as the pickups..well, I didn't have a choice..I don't have an amp, and he just brought the guitar as-is, because I told him to..he was just coming by to 'check me out', so I said bring the guitar <Thinking he'd bring an acoustic, not an electro-acoustic thingamajob>, so I could give him an idea of the sound to expect.
Ah, very good.... What kind of room are you recording in? What reverb/compressor did you use?


Well, my studio is a converted's really dead, just shy of being a it's comfortable yet to speak.

I just did this really quickly to get him a sample, so I tossed everything into cool edit, and used the sound forge dynamics processor to compress, I think I did like 3-1 @ -30db, with like a 2ms attack and 300ms release..I have a modified preset I made of the Concert Hall Light CEPro verb that I like..I used that, and then got bored because everything was mono, so I did some tricks on the reverb, and voila, stereo reverb..
