

Eternally Striving

There's a few parts still missing, like the intro on the piano (which may be eliminated all together), but just wondering where the mix should go from here..

Thanks for your help.

Is the mix too boomy to you?
Not too boomy.

First thing about the mix that hits me is that the kit has a different ambiance than the rest of the instruments...or less...and puts them out front

The snare seems louder than the rest of the kit...maybe because the alternating bass drum and bass sound in undefined...a lot of slap on the BD...without a lot of low energy.
boom /SCHMACK!!! boo b /SCHMACK!!!....the play between the bass drum and snare is off balance.

A points in the mix, the chordal weave..synths + guitars, gets a little muddy....too much of good things, I guess...or in need of organization....things playing a unified figuer...and going somewhere with it..rather than just filling space. At 2:00, there's a climax in the vocal and supporting weave below. The guitar 'solo' on the left pulls focus from the momentary feature [vox]. I'd do something like kill the 'semi-solo' and double a figure or line in another the bass line, for instance. If it was beyond that pointin the recording, I'd bury it or kill it off.

There is a lack of attack, generally, in the overall sound. A transient-poor environment, that devalues the performance of individual instruments, and the whole weave. Maybe that's why it sounds 'boomy'??

I'm listening with good headphones...and there's still not a lot of 60-140Hz bass sound...and little attack with it, to augment the weak slap of the bass drum. Maybe that's another reason it sounds 'midrange'. Not enough pointed figure in the bottom. The phones usually pump that up a lot.

Only one more thing...the words are hard to understand.

Now the good stuff. An interesting tune, and a well crafted, thought out arrangement. I like the use of breakdown and space. Never uninteresting. Really well-done.

I like the song. Just some tweaking...and maybe a lot more un-tweaking?...of the sounds to make it bang and slam the way it oughtta??
I can't say how to overcome the sound/attack deficits....or why they're like that in the first place. Maybe over-compressed into the shape it's in??

What I'd do is mix the original, unsullied tracks with no compression and see how it sounds together?
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It's just way too squashed/loud and the vox are shrill and killing my ears. You took a mix that wasn't ready and mashed the shit out of it with a limiter.

Not a bad song, just go back to the drawing board with the mix.
yeah the vocal are to loud and piercing. but everything else sounded ok. probably too much distortion on the distorted vocal parts that come in.