Neil Young cover

you captured excactly what neil young is about! no point to go nitpicking here because you really nailed this song.

i'm a huge neil young fan and i generaly don't care for cover versions by other artists since i find it hard to 'seperate' the man from his music. i have no problem with this though. your voice also has the right timbre for this.

i'm really enjoying this. awesome. the other songs are pretty cool too.
I found the drums to be overpowering to some extent. Great singing, you have a really Young sounding voice for this cover.
This sounds nice...Your voice is great on this...I love the harmonies - both the way you performed and recorded them. I guess the congestion suits you. ;)

I haven't heard this song in a long time, so thanks for reminding me of this great tune. I like the acoustic guitar sound a lot too, but I think maybe they're not completely in snych with the drums at times and I also think the drum sound is a bit too prominent...maybe.

After a few listens, I am even more impressed with your!
Sounds awesome. I agree though that the drums are a little too loud. I'd like to hear more of the guitars!

GREAT voice!
Thanks for taking the time to listen guys and special thanks to the compliments.

I am a big Young fan but never really tried to do covers of his stuff. I felt like I coudn't do any of his work justice. This is one of my favorite songs so I decided I'd give it a shot anyway.

Will redo the mixdown and try to take it easy on the drums. I'll see what I can do on the synching with drums and guitars.