<--Needs guidance


New member
OK guys i am a complete newb when it comes to recording. So feel free to scold and flame me all you want. Bassically ive picked out what im going to buy and i believe i will be able to record when its all set up. So im going to run through my setup and hopefully get much needed feedback from those of you who know whats up.

Im going with digital


Card - M-Audio audiophile 192 pci interface
Mixer - Behringer Eurorack UB2442fx-PRO
Monitors - 2xBehringer TRUTH B2031A Active Monitor

now in my mind what will take place is:

Ill have my guitar amp miced with a shure sm57

run that in to the mixer where i can adjust the level

run the mixer into the M-audio

record with cake walk

the mixer is an "analog mixer". can i run an analog mixer into a computer? Im guessing yes, i believe the signal will be converted to digital when it passes through the m-audio.

thanks guys
Scolds and Flames! :D

Seriously, you won't find much love for Behringer gear here (just because it says PRO in the product name doesn't mean it is). There are usually better options for similar money. Most folks prefer the Yamaha and Soundcraft mixers to behri. Some people use the Truth monitors, but I would also check out the Wharfedale and M-Audio monitors on the cheap.

But, yes, that setup will allow you to record.
Ah a response that hasnt increased my frustration. Thanks scrubs ill check out some other gear. I just want to be on the right track.
What you have selected will do the job just fine. There are alternatives that you could consider, but it depends on your budget. There are people here who shudder at the mention of the 'B' word, but don't let that phase you. Most of it is a kind of group think.

SM57 on the amp is a good choice. The analog mixer sends an audio signal to M-audio where the Analog to Digital conversion takes place.

Cakewalk will do the job