need your help to decide between mics

patelt, for a "warm/mellow smooth sound" I'd highly recommend the MXL V69 Mogami Edition. It's a great mic! I reviewed it

I don't particularly think the V67 is a very good mic, but there's people here who like it. I think it's sort of trashy. Another, better, option, IMO, for a mic that would give something close to warm/mellow and smooth in the under-$100 price range would be the Oktava MK319. I think GC might still have them for $50 or something like that.

If you've gotten the V67 you still probably made a better choice for a "warm" sound because it's very colored and dark. And in that way would be a better choice the the SP B or C series or the KSM line. And a much better choice than the C3000B.

My 2¢.