Need USB sound card with digital I/0

SF Audio

New member
Just got a new computer (windows XP), and I want to use the USB ports to bring audio into soundforge.....I'm not to hip on the newest generation of sound cards, so here's what I'm looking for:

Basic USB interface with digital I/O, either AES or spdif coaxil. Don't need analog really, I have external converters. Something solid and not too expensive....what are the current options?

Is the USB interface a lossless format as far as digital transfers? No different than using a PCI sound card?

thanks for any help....
I'm just doing mixdowns into the computer, so only two tracks at 24 bit, so that's not a problem regarding bandwidth....
Jim Y said:
Or simpler...

But I don't like USB audio much - they have a habit of losing the driver - if you must have one, keep using same USB socket and don't put the PC in suspend/standby/sleep modes.

Read the item description before posting a link. The original post asked for digital I/O and the item you posted a link to has digital output but no input.

As far as 'staying FAR away from USB audio' -- the followup post is quite clear that he/she is not going to try to pump 36 24bit/96khz tracks down a USB 1.1 wire. For the modest demands of most home recordists USB is more than enough. I've been involved in midi for 20 years and have seen MUCH worse things than set-and-forget USB...
The thing about buying a Useless Slow Bus card is there's no guarantee it will even work on your particular machine.

Also that edirol UA5 card says it's full duplex. Unless you want to record/playback at 96kHz. That sounds like a bandwidth limitation to me
I'm ssso ssssorry to have upsssset you SSScientist!
I guess I just picked up on the thing SFaudio said about only wanting to mixdown...

It isn't just a thing with Bandwidth with USB1.1 interfaces, or even USB2.0 for that matter - it's the way Windows handles the interface and plug and play.

It was ironic that SSScientist refers to USB as "Plug and Forget". You plug it in, install the driver (if you don't mind the limitations of XPs generic usb driver and if there's enough room in the Registries MME driver stack for it). Having got that far - have fun when the device disappears from the hardware list for no apparent reason, or you plug it into another usb socket by mistake and Windows thoughtfully installs the genric driver again for you.... Forget indeed!

It's utter crap - really. If you think about it, it's no surprise.
Plug&Play? - How does Windows know it's the same device plugged in again, the same device in a different USB controller hub or a different device with the same class chip from the same manufacturer and therefore looks the same but has different features? It doesn't apparently, is the answer. This is despite a USB device being able to identify its maker, model, version and serial number to the controller.

Now lets add the next inspiring Microsoft gotcha. The MME driver limit. This is just 10 for midi driver and audio channels. Several entries are already taken up by the GS software synth, midi mapper and your existing onboard audio - even if you've thoughtfully disabled/uninstalled it - XP remembers - Plug&Play you see, it has to remember the driver in case you re-attach/enable it. A few cycles of plug&forget re-installs and the list is full. The result is your interface is no longer available -you can un-install and re-install until the cows come home -each time you install, it won't register; the list is full.
Evolution and M-audio have special uninstallers or a registry fixer to get around this, but I see no such utility in Edirols support downloads. They must love getting tech support calls.

Strangely enough, I see few problems with other USB devices such as drives, keyboards, cameras etc. But there are still a few rogues I've come across. A camera that freezes booting if left plugged in. Certain USB1.1 cameras that XP insists are not formatted while Win98SE reads them perfectly.
The myth of hot swap is a good one - yes, you can pull it out anytime! Not if its a drive/memory you can't.

Maybe it all works great on a Mac, but on a Windows PC, USB still has some homework to do.
Ssso long.
I have the tascam 428 and it's usb on a windows xp pc using nuendo 2 and it works flawlessly the hardest thing was setting up nuendo to use the 428 and after that no problem at all