need to reduce drum cymbals & hiss


New member
need to reduce drum cymbals & hiss:
i recorded the drums all on 1 track, so i cant just change the level of the cymbals and hi hats. Any advice on how i could just reduce the sounds of them. id like the beat to stand out more than the crashing and the hiss.
any suggestions would help.
dobro said:
First off: is this a mixing question or a Cool Edit question?

Boy, there's a loaded question, LMAO!!!

(now, before this thread gets deleted, try cutting it with EQ between 6K-12KHz :D). Most hiss lives above 10K...most cymbal annoyances lie above 5K. Thus the range, lol.
first off dobro, this IS a cool edit pro question. I was wondering what effects i could use in the PROGRAM to help drown out the hiss of a previously recorded song..
and to mr harris i guess you kind of tried to riducule me then give some advice like your friggin some sound board guy or somethin.. whats with the abbreviating lmpo, lol.i though only dorky computer nerds with no life do that. Man you got to get out and meet a girl or somethin...
thanks anyways guys!
wow...actually, I was just trying to help. If I'd known you were such a sperm burping prick, I wouldn't have bothered.

FYI - EQ is pretty standard terminology for people who deal with audio. It stands for "EQUALIZATION." I gave you some ranges to cut with "EQ"...while I realize this geeklike terminology may be new and confusing to you, I suggest you look into its voodoo-like qualities before you flame me again...cumfunnel.

And as another suggestion, if you're going to post another question in an audio section of a recording BBS, please preface it with "I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING," so we'll know how best not to offend you...jackass.
mr harris...

I am experienced with music and recording for many years.. but just not computer editing on cool edit pro.So i had a quest. i was hoping some of you cool edit pro vets would assist.
anyways man, ive had headphones on for about a week and i think ive lost my temper and patience.
my deepest apoligies to you, sincerely bro.
skateboardnaked said:
my deepest apoligies to you, sincerely bro.
Naw, I totally went overboard up there. Sorry. Welcome to our humble insane asylum. :D

In CEP, I'd just use the parametric EQ (under "EFFECTS--FILTERS--Parametric EQ") and cut some of the highs...that's all I was trying to say.
