need some help; recording on pc


New member
hello. i'm new to this pc recording thing so i thought i should post this in hear. my band wants to record a few songs to make a cd and we are on very tight budget (who isnt these days?) Anyway, right now we have 3 mics, and pa head, a PC, some sony speakers, and instruments,etc. If we were to get a 4 input soundcard (midiman delta 44) and a 2 i/o mic preamp (a midiman, i forget the exact name), would this be enough to record? we also have cool edit pro. i figure we could use the pa head as a mic preamp, so we would technically have 3 mic preamps and 3 mics. so we would only record three things at a time. Would this work and is it a good setup?

Also i'm confused about this whole soundcard thing. On the delta 44, there are 4 outputs; does each input have a corresponding output? if so, wouldn't you have to hook all the ouputs to a single input on a mixer or something, and then ouput that to the speakers to hear all of the tracks at once? why couldn't there be just a stereo line out to hook up to the monitor? if this sounds stupid or confusing, it's probably because i'm both. i'm a complete newbie, but really want to pursue this. if there is anyone out there who can explain this to me, it would be greatly appreciated.
The inputs and outputs are all independent. You can configure the 4 outputs any way you want. If all you want is a stereo pair to monitor a stereo mix, then you'd only have to use two of them. And depending on how they were selected in the multitracker software, it really wouldn't matter which two you used. You can also, as you've described run 4 independent tracks out to a mixer and mix them down to two externally.
Thanks for the input thus far, it cleared things up a bit. But can someone answer the first part of my query? Thanks.
I'm guessing your PA head has a couple mic pre's built in BUT they probly aren't the best. I would recomend buying a mixer and then using the mic pre's from that. So, answering the question, No using the PA head for the mic pre's wouldn't make for the greatest recording setup.
