Need some help on internal/webcam mic and AT2020 mic


New member
Hey guys, sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions. I didn't think I needed this much help to start recording lol.

I have a AT2020 mic and I have hardly used it because I haven't been singing full songs. But.. I use my webcam mic when I'm practicing. Basically.. trying to keep my vocals on one pitch. But.. I sound amazing on webcam mic.. But when I go to my AT2020 and sing the same way it sounds bad. Not the mic, its my vocals. Basically.. My vocals sound great on webcam but don't sound too good on mic. So, Why is this? Is my mic more accurate? Because theres not much fuzzyness to disguise the pitch problems?

I practice my vocals on my webcam and when they sound good.. I'l go to the mic and then it still sounds as if I need a hell of a lot of work? Why is this?
Can you please post some audio samples? A better/worse mic wouldn't change the pitch of your voice, but it's possible you can hear extra details in your voice on the AT2020 that you didn't hear before on the webcam. These details (such as pronunciation and tone) might make you feel like you sound worse on the AT2020 when you can hear them very clearly since you have never before had the luxury to recognize and address these problems.