Need some help getting guitar tone and getting a warmer, balanced mix


New member
Hey guys!
I'm having trouble getting a good balance in this mix and getting it a bit warmer, and getting a good guitar tone. I haven't recorded the vocals yet, but because I'm behind schedule I'm pre-mixing now. Any suggestions? Thanks! :)View attachment Song 3.mp3
You haven't said anything about how you recorded this, so it's impossible to make suggestions. I agree that the guitar sounds a bit remote and cold, and may have too much ambiance. However your biggest problem is the boomy stuff.
Yeah I'd like to know how you recorded this too before I try to suggest how it can be better. The low mids of the guitar are really poking through though. I know you want mix suggestions but there's a lot of timing issues that you might wanna address too. I dug the song though, listened to it a couple times.
The clean electric guitar in the intro is kind of glassy sounding. It could use some warming up. All the guitars sounded like they were from a cheap amp sim.

At the 1:00 mark, I'm not sure what's going on. I think it's a playing style thing, but I'm hearing some sort of artifact on the guitar that wasn't too pleasing.

Some timing gaks in a few spots (e.g., 1:48).

there is about 45 seconds of silence past the end.
Hey! Thanks for the feedback. At 1:00 the delay probably overlapped itself. By the way I used Catharsis cab sims, and a Fender Mustang Twin Reverb impulses, so the amp wasn't the greatest, but it did sound better with cab sims. At 1:48 the delay overlapped itself, so I gotta fix that XD . Yeah, I gotta fix the delay...