Need some feedback


New member
I found this site to post my music and am waiting for some feedback, . If you have time to please check it out and let me know what you think. Also do any of you know of other sites I can post my music for free???
Oh hey, you're from Yakima! I'm from Spokane, so we're fairly close....small world.

Hell? Spokanes not that bad is it? At least its close to Silverwood!!:D (i love that place) So did you hear my tune? If you have any I'll listen to them...
I checked out your tunes. Nice job.
You and Prism are high and dry over there. I'm in McCleary m'self. Almost to the ocean.
Again, good job.
As long as we're having a neighborhood get-together, I'm from Kent, just south of Seattle. I've been to Yakima, all up and down the coast, and I've also been to Hell. It's not in Spokane, but it's very close; Cheney maybe.

Incidentally, my wife was born in Cheney. How's that for weird?

See ya!
Aaron Cheney